114. Candyland

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Waking up and never felt so foreign before. yes Daemon had been sleeping in her bed for moons after viserys passed but now he was her husband. She was not only the queen but she was married again. She was a wife. She was a mother. And she now had married both her brothers.

If that wasn't Targaryen she didnt know what was.

Daemon wasnt a morning person but Avalon was. she had to be. She was a mother of four, grandmother to three more and thats right she had a kingdom, the seven kingdoms to run. She didnt get the luxury of laying bed all day. Besides she missed her babies already. 

Alyssa was in the gardens, she had started her own garden with the castle chefs. She was harvesting tomatoes when Avalon found her. 

"Candyland tomatoes mama!" Alyssa declared. 

"Candyland?" Avalon questioned, they were the tiniest little tomatoes Avalon had ever seen and they were supposed to be that small. "What else have you harvested, my love?" 

"Cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon radishes, and lots and lots of tomatoes. " Alyssa remarked pointing at her basket. 

"Oh my goodness, you must have been up at the crack of dawn harvesting." 

"I couldnt sleep." Alyssa admitted popping a tomato into her mouth. 

"Oh?" Avalon questioned. "Whats on your mind, ladybug?" Alyssa giggled at the nickname before turning back to her harvest. 

"I have some normal tomatoes too," Alyssa went on. 

"Alyssa, whats on your mind?" Avalon requested grabbing her hand. 

"How do you know if a boy likes you?" Alyssa questioned. Avalon chuckled. 

"I was horrible with boys at your age, really still am." Avalon remarked. "I couldnt speak to any male that looked my way." 

"But you are so beautiful, mum." Alyssa corrected. 

"Oh, thank you honey, so are you."

"Not like you."

"You are right" Avalon agreed. "You are even more beautiful." Alyssa blushed. "So tell me about this boy you like?" 

"I dont know... he's tall and handsome and... well I dont think he knows I exist." Alyssa remarked. 

"Ladybug, I was the same way." Avalon declared. 

"Straighten your back, Aegon." Daemon instructed sparing with him. "Dont hold the blade too tight Daeron." 

"I dont want to drop it!" Daeron corrected. 

"The sword is part of your arm, can you drop your arm?" Daemon countered. 

"Father did." Daeron remarked. "And he couldnt pick it back up." Daeron giggled softly to himself. "Get it-"

"Thats mean." Aemond declared. Daemon laughed out. 

"I like you kid." Daemon corrected. 

"What do I need to work on Uncle Daemon?" Aemond questioned. 

"He's our step father now." Daeron corrected loudly. "Or did you forget?" 

"I didnt forget." Aemond assured, he glanced back at Daemon. "It's just habit." 

"I can be uncle Daemon, I dont mind." Daemon assured. "Aemond you need to work on your footing still." Aemond looked to his feet. "Your legs are too far apart, Aegon yours are too close together, your balance is off." Daemon remarked. "You need a good center of gravity or else you are going to be tripping over your feet." They adjusted their stance before the three of them were lunging at Daemon again. Aegon landed with a thud, Daeron lost his sword, Aemond huffed out a breath getting back into position. 

"I lost my arm!" Daeron declared. 

"Kiss her already!" 

Alicent jumped, Criston flinched back taking a step away from Alicent.

"Gods you two," Avalon chuckled. 

"Not that its any of your business." Criston remarked. 

"everything is my business." Avalon corrected. "And I take credit for forcing you two together." Alicent chuckled grabbing Cristons hand. 

"He did kiss me already." Alicent agreed. "And it was magical." 

"Magical," Avalon repeated fondly. "Dont let me interrupt- also Criston its in poor taste if I can sneak up on you, honey." Criston turned to watch her leave. "I kid," Avalon assured "But not really." 

"I still can't get the hang of this." Harwin remarked. 

"I know its hard and scary and..." Avalon sighed moving to little Joffrey. "Gas after a meal, needs to come up or down, one way or another."  Harwin chuckled as she pat Joffrey's back and he gave a little burp, settling back down. 

"How do you do it?" harwin begged. 

"Mother of four." Avalon answered. 

"I am a father of three." Harwin countered. 

"You didnt get to be there for all the fun of their younger years, you go to step in for the fun and training and dragon egg hunts." Avalon reminded him. 

"Like Prince Daemon." Harwin agreed. 

"Well if he's lucky we will have some more children and he can do all the dirty work." Avalon decided. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now