115. Crush on Cregan

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Cregan was doing a fine job as hand of the queen. Avalon was glad he decided to stay, he was young but so was she, he was smart and honorable and Avalon liked that she knew his family. Trusted him.

It wasnt until Alyssa asked to be a cup bearer that Avalon understood who her crush was.

"I think Alyssa has a crush on Cregan." Avalon whispered to daemon.

"He's too old for our Alyssa." Daemon corrected not missing a beat.

"The same could have been said about me and Viserys." Avalon countered.

"He was too old for you." Daemon agreed, "you were too good for him."

"Mum's too good for you too." Aemond remarked.

"Oh you be nice," Avalon requested reaching out for him. "Are you going for a ride?"

"I am and yeah, Alyssa likes Cregan. She told me... she also told me not to tell." Aemond added before running off.

"Oh Cregan is such a sweet young man." Avalon declared. "And would it not just be the funniest thing in the world if our Alyssa married a Stark?"

"Why would that be funny?"

"Because I could have been married to Brandon Stark when I was only a few years older than herself." Avalon added.

"Married?" Daemon countered. "You said you just kissed him."

"It was a good kiss." Avalon agreed smirking up at him.

"I thought we werent going to talk about past lovers." Daemon reminded her.

"Brandon stark wasnt a lover, he was a kisser." Avalon teased.

"Gods, you are lucky I love you. I wouldnt put up with this mockery from anyone else." Daemon informed her. Avalon smiled widely tipping her face to his.

"You are a good dad, protective, caring... Aegon is getting better under your tutelage." Avalon remarked as he held her hand, their fingers interlaced, arms swinging between them.

"The boys have talent, I am going to unlock it." Daemon agreed.

"Alyssa!" Avalon declared seeing her in the gardens, Alyssa smiled back at them.

"Hi mama, Hi uncle Daemon." Alyssa answered.

Daemon knew he was uncle Daemon, they werent going to call him step father or even father right away. But he would keep showing up. Showing Avalon and the kids he wasnt a flight risk he wasnt going to disappear for moons at a time. He was going to stay right here and love them. Treasure them. Treat them as if they were his own children.


"Thank you that will be all for today." Avalon remarked and jace started picking up the cups dumping the excess wine. Cregan spoke a bit more with avalon as he cleaned up his notes. Jace glanced to them dropping a cup. It clattered to the ground but remained unbroken. Avalon smiled back at him.

Daemon watched Cregan press a kiss to Avalons hand before excusing himself. Daemon rolled his eyes but Avalon adored Cregan.

"You and cregan look cozy." Daemon remarked.

"He is cozy, its the north man in him." Avalon teased.

"Dagger dagger love." Daemon remarked beinging his hands to his chest.  Avalon blew him a kiss as Jace groaned out putting the cups away for cleaning.

"Grandma im so bored!" Jace declared.

"I know. Your mother hated being cup bearer as well," avalon remarked.

"My mum was a cup bearer?" Jace questioned

"Oh yes for many years. In fact. I was a cup bearer myself before her." Avalon agreed. "She replaced me."

"Cup spiller." Daemon coughed out. Avalon scowled back at him. "Oh sorry did I speak the truth?"

"Hush you." Avalon corrected. "Its a family tradition," avalon encouraged. "And also-"

"My punishment." Jace agreed.

"You will learn a lot about the crown the kingdoms the ways-"

"Im never going to be king though." Jace countered. "Why not have Aegon be a cup bearer?"

"He has a point." Daemon agreed. "Aegon is your heir," avalon looked between them.

"I know it doesnt seem like learning valuable life lessons right now is important but I promise it is. It will help you grow. Learn stability and responsibilities and... i like having you there." Avalon remarked stroking his cheek.

"Okay." Jace agreed giving her a hug.

"Thank you for being so understanding honey." Avalon coed kissing his forehead. "Tall like your daddy in no time."


"I love you," daemon whispered sliding in beside Avalon as she blew out the candle.

"I love you," she echoed kissing him. A lavender scented smoke drifted up into the air as the candle snuffed out.

Daemon rolled over smiling down at avalon as he kissed her neck his hands sliding up her night dress. She savored his kiss. When his hand got to her stomach she placed hers over his.

"Daemon you are going to be a daddy." Avalon whispered.

"Im already a daddy." Daemon countered. Continuing on his journey lower.

"Again." Avalon whispered into the darkness and Daemons eyes flew up to her.

"You mean it?"

"You and me and baby... in this bed right now." Avalon agreed.

"You got a little nugget in there..."

"Our little nugget."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now