39. Glowing

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"If the queen is pregnant we have a test we have been wanting to try." 

"A pregnancy test?" Avalon questioned confused. 


"Well the barley test seems quite-" Avalon began but a maester stepped forward proudly and Avalon's mouth slowly closed as she looked to Viserys. 

"If you suspect the queen might be pregnant, we shall insert an onion into her vagina overnight."

"An onion in me... in my..." Avalon leaned back horrified. 

 "If the Queens breath smells of onions the next morning, you are not pregnant. But if your breath is fresh then you expecting your grace." 

"What?" Viserys countered glaring back at them. What nonsense is that?

 "If the womb was open, and wafting the oniony scent up to the mouth like a wind tunnel, there was no fetus. If the person were pregnant, then the womb would be closed, so no wind tunnel."

"You have tested this?" Avalon countered. 

"No... working theory."  Avalon shared a disgusted look with Viserys. 

"I would gladly stick an onion up you my queen."

"How... kind." Avalon offered as she rose up. "But no. I will stick with Barley."

When Avalon found herself pregnant again she was thrilled. Aegon was such a doll and she hoped her next would be the same.

"You are going to be a big brother." Avalon declared fondly. Aegon stared back at up at her. "You." She pointed a finger tapping his tummy, "Are going to be a big brother."

Aegon cocked his head staring back at her. 

"Rhaenyra, is your big sister." Avalon remarked. Aegon shrugged as if to say 'who?' 

"Telling him the good news?" Viserys pondered. 

"Oh Aegon is going to be excited when he understands what a big brother is." Avalon assured him. 

"I'm a big brother." Viserys offered. 

"And I dont want Aegon marrying his sister if he doesnt love her as much as you love me." Avalon remarked. 

"Sister?" Viserys questioned. Avalon ran a hand over her stomach. 

"I have a feeling. I could be wrong." Avalon assured. "But this one feels different from Aegon."

"A little girl." Viserys said fondly. "Prefect like you." 

"I wasnt perfect." Avalon assured. 

"You were." Viserys corrected. "We were all a mess losing..." Viserys stopped himself. 

"Mother." Avalon finished for him. 

"Yes." Viserys agreed softly. "But you my Avalon were always perfect, like you knew we were struggling and you wanted to make things easier for us." 

"I remember Daemon holding me upside down. But I dont remember why." Avalon countered. "I must have done something wrong." 

"No. That was Daemon's fault. He has low self esteem." Viserys remarked. 

"He doesnt." Avalon corrected. Viserys chuckled his fingers overlapping with hers on her stomach. 

"A little girl, perfect like you." 

"Aegon is perfect." Avalon remarked as Aegon snuggled into her. 

"He gets it from you." Viserys agreed. 


But one day she found herself walking about the woods the sun faded away and yet she saw this light around her.

Little sparkles of light. Unlike anything she had ever seen. She was certain she was dreaming as she reached out touching it. It seemed like magic flying around her.

"Hello little friends

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"Hello little friends." Avalon declared chasing them around. "I'm Avalon..."

She didnt know how long she spent in the woods. But she felt the magic in her veins. She wanted more. She wanted to feel that again. As she moved into the dragon pits the dragons bowed before her. 

"How kind." Avalon declared smiling back at them. "Come on Mouse." Mouse gave a proud walk as he exited the cave as though to say I'm the chosen one, suck it bitches. Avalon heard a snort of disproval from the other dragon in the cave. She couldnt see him but assumed Davina was in town with Fury. Had only she looked more closely. 

"Mouse, you will never believe it, I found this most amazing little cove in the woods. It was magic, I swear." Avalon declared as she climbed on. 

Daemon peered out watching her take off. His sweet little avalon still so pure, so kind, so perfect. The war in the step stones had been raging on and they were losing. But Daemon needed to be by Avalon, needed her. But she didnt seem to need him. Word broke of the Queen's second pregnancy, she was glowing, even now. It hurt, it hurt seeing Avalon so happy when it had nothing to do with him or the plans they had. The plans he had for them. 

If only she had listened to him, if only she was ready for love, for him when they were younger. Then this could have been their happily ever after.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now