124. Kiss, Kiss

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Alyssa was swatting at the air and Aegon came up to her looking for a spider web she walked into. 

"What are you doing?" Aegon questioned. "What are you looking at?" 

"A Wrackspurt..." Alyssa remarked putting her hand down. 

"A what spurt?" Aegon countered. 

"A wrackspurt." Alyssa repeated. "They're invisible. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy, I thought I felt one zooming around in here." Alyssa remarked. 

"Right." Aegon agreed. He loved his sister but he was a weirdo. "They can fly around, like bugs, can you imagine if bugs needed mini dragons to fly?" Aegon chuckled at the thought. 

''There are ways of flying other than with dragons." Alyssa said confidently.

"I s'pose you and lover boy are going to ride on the back of the Kacky Snorgle or whatever it is?" Aegon offered.

"The Crumple-Horned Snorkack can't fly..." Alyssa told him matter of factly.

"Did you see a Crumple-Horned Snorkack?" Newt questioned. "I have never been able to track one down."  Aegon rolled his eyes. 

"Dont entertain her." Aegon corrected. 

"They are quite illusive, a maester wrote about it a care of mystical creatures. I read through that book about a million times, I brought it with me." Newt remarked. "It's real. Maesters dont put just anything in official documents." 

"You two deserve each other." Aegon decided. 

Vaera was good at getting what she wanted. She pouted up at Alicent and she picked Vaera up. 

"Ookie," vaera whispered into Alicent's ear. 

"You want a cookie little cutie?" Alicent questioned. 

"Ookie, eeease!" Vaera agreed kissing her cheek. 

"Oh, I can't say no to you." Alicent agreed. She giggled reaching out as Alicent broke a piece of cookie for her. 

"Oree!" Vaera said as she munched on the cookie. "Oooree!" Alicent gave her another little piece, Vaera wanted the whole cookie damnit. 

"Oww my ass." Daeron declared as he flopped to the ground. "Ow, I quit, I quit. I'm not as good as you Aemond. I quit!" 

"Hello my prince." a flock of girls giggled as they passed. Daeron shot up smirking back at them. 

"Yeah just training, you know... like we do, as men." Daeron declared. 

"What the heck are you doing?" Aemond questioned. 

"I'm trying to find myself a lady,"

"You got some competition then." Aemond remarked as the girls stopped in front of Harwin, twirling their hair around their fingers.  

"He's break bones." Daeron murmured. "How are we supposed to compete with a man?" 

"We arent. Sword up." Aemond remarked. 

"Whats the point of training if I can't impress girls?" Daeron countered. 

"To know how to protect yourself in case a battle arises.'' Aemond offered. 

"Pft, boring." Daeron corrected. "I just want to look hot." 

"Dont let mum hear you talking like that." Aemond mused. "You are her little boy." 

"I have been replaced!" Daeron declared dramatically. "I have been replaced thrice fold!" he went on, Aemond tapped at his sword. "Kaida, Draco and vaera. I am no longer the baby."

"Daeron, thats old news." Aemond agreed. 

Daemon caught Alyssa kissing Newt and Davina chuckled turning Daemon right around but he gaped back at Alyssa. 

"Not my little girl." Daemon demanded. "Alyssa is a good girl, she can't start liking boys."

"Good girls are bad girls that havent been caught." Davina corrected. "So just turn around and forget what you saw." She purred. "Avalon was a good girl." 

"She is still a good girl, my good girl." Daemon corrected. 

"She was until I corrupted her." Davina remarked happily. 

"I think I corrupted Avalon." Daemon said as if he was proud of it. 

"Did she tell you what we did on our little... adventure after her failed tour?" Davina countered her cousin. 


"No." Davina agreed. Daemon looked at Alyssa again and Newt held onto her, smiling into her. Daemon didnt like it. He couldnt even imagine how he would feel when Vaera or Kaida started liking boys. 

"Snaps is the name of the game the name of the game is snaps. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isnt. This time it is.' Daemon snapped his fingers coming into their chambers. Avalon blinked back at him. 

"Oh, Gods sorry, I'm not ready." Avalon remarked shifting little Vaera in her arms. 

"Snaps is the name of the game the name of the game is snaps. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isnt. This time it is.' He snapped his fingers focusing on Avalon as he sat beside her. 

"Alyssa kissed a boy!" Avalon squealed. She heard a grumble outside. "And Davina is here!" she added running to the window. "FURY! HI BABY!" Avalon shouted waving back at him. Daemon didnt know how she did it but she was a dragon whisperer. She had wanted to turn into a dragon herself but now she had too many children and to many kingdoms to deal with to turn into a dragon. Avalon still thought as she watched Fury and Mouse fly, nothing holding them back, they soared right up into the clouds in a vertical thrust. Wouldnt' it be grand to be a dragoness? 

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