36. Insults and Compliments

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"I think you should sing him a song." Avalon remarked and Viserys chuckled. "Come on Viserys, he needs to hear your unique voice at a young age so he finds comfort in it as I do." Avalon said kindly.

"I think you insulted and complimented me at the same time." Viserys remarked pulling her back into him as he sat down behind her on the bed.

"It is a skill." Avalon agreed kissing him gently. "Go on." She encouraged leaning into him he kissed at her neck and shoulder as he thought, his eyes drifted to the fire, aegon's dragon egg sat perched in the flames. "I thought I best get started on it."

"It is right on the flames.' Viserys remarked. 'you know they have-'

'Baskets for the eggs but they need more heat than that." Avalon reminded him. "Right on the coals is most beneficial.''

"When did you put it on?"

"Just yesterday, I was impatient," Avalon admitted.

"You waited nearly six moons since his birth." Viserys corrected. "That is the longest you have ever waited for something."

"Ha, ha, I waited nine moons for him." Avalon countered bringing Aegon to her breast. Viserys looked down at her barely covered body his hands grazing over her skin teasing at her opposite nipple. "Sing us a song." Avalon requested bringing a hand around to his neck, trailing down his jaw.

''We are on a dragon hunt.'' Viserys declared. 'We are on a dragon hunt... But there's a river over there, We can't go around it We must swim through it.'' Viserys sung. "Your turn, you have to help me." Viserys told her running his hands under her dress.

'Splash, splash, splash!'' Avalon recalled with a laugh as Aegon gnawed away. 'We are on a dragon hunt.'

''We are on a dragon hunt. But there's a mountain over there, We can't go through it, We must climb over it .' Viserys went on. Avalon prospered aegon up patting his back he burped before a giggled escaped his lips.

'Climb climb climb!'' Avalon moved Aegon's legs as though he were climbing, he reached up for her again and she brought him to her chest. ''We are on a dragon hunt.'' She whispered kissing his head.

'We are on a dragon hunt But there's a frozen lake in front of us! We must skate across it.' Viserys told her ''Skate, skate, skate!' her dragging his fingers over her stomach.

''Cause we are on a dragon hunt.' Avalon declared as Aegon gnawed at her opposite breast happily.

''Yes, we are on a dragon hunt.' Viserys agreed. ''But there's a – oh, this is crazy,' Viserys told Aegon and Avalon laughed back into him. ''Is that the enchanted forest my love?''

"I think so." She agreed and Aegon stared up at them, mouth still sucking lightly as he watched them.

''We must walk between the trees... Step, step, step!'' he walked his fingers across her legs. ''We are on a dragon hunt We are on a dragon hunt . There's the dragon's lair!''

"We must be at the capital now, where did we start this hunt?" Avalon mused.

''We must go inside!' Viserys said with a laugh. 'Ahhhh, the dragon is behind you!'' Viserys declared as his hand buried between her legs, his fingers nestled deep inside her while his thumb rubbed in slow, agonizing little circles on her clit. Avalon opened her mouth wordlessly. Her voice stuck in her throat as she tipped her head back into him, his chuckle vibrated along her spine adding to the pleasure.

''But – wait a minute!'' his fingers stopped and pulled away slightly leaving her feeling on the verge before that feeling faded quickly, she groaned. ''That's not a dragon!''

'Viserys," Avalon whimpered.

''No my queen, it's only a tiny white mouse in front of us!"

"My mouse is not tiny!" Avalon countered as his hand slide back inside of her.

'' I thought I would find a very dangerous dragon'' Viserys whispered biting at her neck, she moaned leaning into him her hips moving against his fingers. "But instead I found a mouse."

"Mouse can be dangerous." Avalon whispered.

"Not when I have his master in such a compromising state." Viserys whispered kissing her again.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now