98. Seasickness

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Coming home from Driftmark was a mix of emotions. Avalon ran a hand over Aemonds head as she leaned into Aegon.

"You two need your hair cut." Avalon decided.

"You dont like it?" Aegon questioned.

"It's longer than mine, its too long." Avalon informed him. "I think shorter will make you look older too." Aegon liked that idea.

"Your grace." Avalon turned around smiling back at Alicent and Criston.

"How many times-"

"This is official business though." Criston corrected. "The council has some options they like for the new hand of the king... queen."

"When are you two going to kiss already?" Avalon countered taking the scroll from him. Alicent blushed turning her face away from them. "Looks like I have some work to do."

Avalon read over the options. She didnt like any of them if she was being honest. She didnt know any of the men chosen. She wanted someone she trusted especially since she was leading while Viserys was abed.

"I suppose calling back daemon is out of the question." Avalon murmured.

"You are the queen. You can do as you like," criston reminded her.

Avalon did what was reasonable and responsible and what the people wanted. That wasnt daemon after he took corlys head. But maybe avalon had been rash with her decisions.

"I thought you were bringing the boys here." Alicent remarked.

"I am... im not insistuting any of what I said."  Abalon admitted. "Not yet. I... i just  need viserys more than i care for punishment at the moment. So..."

"Rhaenyra being rhaenyra she went to dragonstone without telling you." Alicent realized.

"That too." Avalon agreed. "Excuse me. I need to check on viserys."

"Ah your grace," the maester remarked as Avalon approached. 

"Hello, might I see Viserys?" Avalon questioned peering past him to their chambers. The maester hesitated. "How fares the king?" Avalon asked, a heavy sigh filled the maester before he forced a smile. 

 "The king is... Wavering, though he seems steadier now that he's back on solid ground" he answered, "One can hope it is simply a bout of intense sea sickness." 

"But your medical opinions are?" Avalon pushed. 

"I pray I am wrong, your grace." he offered bowing his head to her before heading in his way. Avalon peered in to see Viserys coughing out, he looked pale, his hand shook as he brought a hand to cover his dry lips. 

"Viserys, honey." Avalon coed. 

"Avalon," Viserys wheezed back. "Avalon." 

"Hi," Avalon wiped at her eyes. She hated seeing him like this. "The maester thinks it is just some harsh seasickness. That is good right... it will pass soon enough." But it didnt pass, it got worse and worse and Avalon felt more and more broken every time she walked into his chambers. 

Avalon opened the windows letting in the fresh air but then Viserys was shivering so she closed the door and lite a fire, she got him blankets and teas and became more of a nurse, than a wife. She tended to him hand and foot day after day, week after week and the most broken he looked the more Avalon felt like a part of her was dying on the inside as well. 

"Mama," Aemond whispered peering in, Avalon wiped at her eyes brushing her hair from her face as she got up. 

"Hi baby, I'm sorry I havent been around so much, I want to go flying with you." Avalon declared wiping her nose on her sleeve. Aemond moved to her hugging her tight and she sobbed into him. "Your father is going to be alright, I promise, I promise he is... he's just a little tired right now, he needs more rest." Avalon didnt know who she was trying to convince. Aemond and the children knew their father wasnt getting better, he rarely left his chambers and Avalon wanted nothing more than a miracle cure. She loved him, she couldnt lose him. She wouldnt.

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