51. Naked & Unphased

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Sweet but psycho /HOTD / Harley Quinn out now!

Avalon mounted him, his cock twitched with excitement as her needs pressed outside of his hips and into the feather bed. A groan of pleasure coursed through him as she sunk down on him. He put his hands on her ass and lifted her up and down, keeping a steady pace. She ran her hands along his chest, kissed his face and mouth, and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

Avalon closed her eyes and chased the sensation with her movements, riding him faster and faster. She took control and she set the pace, and she stuck with it. When it felt like she was going to burst with pleasure, she pushed herself further until she cried out in ecstasy and felt her walls clenching around him. 

 He moaned into touching every inch of her, her release sent him to the edge and he lost control. He grabbed her hips and fucked into her with urgency. As if they didnt have all night, the rest of their lives. Avalon leaned back, allowing him to control her every move.

 Her breasts were on full display for him as she arched back and he reveled in watching them move with every pound, with every racing heart beat, from how hard he was fucking her. Viserys wasnt going to last much longer, he watched her move until he groaned out his eyes closed, finally his release crashed through him. He roared out and Avalon chuckled her head coming back down and meeting him gaze. 

There was no doubt in her mind that the rest of the castle heard him, Viserys had the same thought, but let them all know that Avalon was his and his alone.  Catching his breath, Viserys pulled his beautiful wife back to his chest, she removed herself crashing into him.  Her head on his chest, she could hear his rapid heartbeat begin to slow as he stroked a hand down her back kissing the top of her head. 

"My Avalon."

In the early morning, a good hour before sunrise, Avalon opened her eyes, relishing the lulling sound of the birds chirping below and the naked body at her back—legs and arms intertwined with the blankets and each other. Somewhere he began and she ended, but she had no clue where, she didnt want to know. As if he sensed her open eyes, his hold on her tightened, and he buried his nose into her hair, pressing his lips to her ear.

"Morning my love." Viserys whispered. 

"Morning... big day today." 

"Weddings... you think Rhaenyra will hate me forever?" Viserys pondered. 

"Hate you? She could never..." Avalon remarked but her words faded. "Yes there was a time when she was bitter and moody but she agreed to this, remember?" Viserys nodded in agreed. 

"Yes... oh, I got you something." Viserys remarked getting up and slipping on his pants. "For the wedding." Viserys remarked holding out a box she opened it up seeing jewels all glittering but the fan caught her attention. He looked over her body as she got to the end of the bed. Touching every object. 

"It's beautiful." Avalon declared kissing viserys cheek. "Thank you." Avalon opened up the fan bringing it to her face. 

She smiled as she fanned it in front of her face

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She smiled as she fanned it in front of her face.  Nothing covering her but the fan dancing in front of her face. 

His hand went to her hip and she smiled kissing him again before bringing the fan back to her face. Thats when the door pushed open. 

"MAMA!" Aegon shouted running into their chambers. "Egg!" Avalon dropped the fan and ran to him. 

"Aegon, is it hatching?" Avalon questioned. 

"Avalon!" Viserys declared throwing a blanket over her naked body. 

"Baby dragon!" Avalon declared. "Baby dragon!" she squealed. Her eyes darted from Aegon to the egg completely unphased that Harwin was in the door having brought Aegon to her. Completely unphased that she was naked and the door was wide open. Harwin awkwardly pulled the door closed and Viserys huffed a breath. 

(I know aegon claimed sunfyre but fuck it its my story and I like baby dragons!)

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now