126. The Look

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If walls could talk / Hp x HOTD out now!

Mirror, Mirror / Viserys Targaryen out now!

"Hi Aemond!" Kaida declared running up to them. Aemond picked her up. "Aem, ohh cake!" Kaida declared reaching for Aemond's plate.

"You are going to have your pick of all the ladies Aemond." Davina assured. Kaide smiled up at them with frosting on her cheeks.

"Shes my favorite girl." Aemond remarked. "Daeron and Aegon can flirt all they like. Im fine with my dragon for now."

"Smart boy." Davina agreed.

Alyssa was in a flutter of excitement. Flowers rare and exotic flowers from all over the seven kingdoms - that was her request. She didnt care for gifts. She wanted flowers. Tagged with their genus and native origin. Her brain was like an overstimulated magpie struggling to decide which shiny object to land on. 

"What is that look for?" Daemon questioned. Aemond striaghtened up.

"What look?" Aemond countered.

"That look. You know the look. The look you gave Davina. My cousin davina. A much older and much craizer targaryen." Daemon answered. Aemond shrugged.

"No idea what you mean."

"Dont be falling for davina. Shes older than your mother." Daemon demanded.

"Does she happen to have a younger sister thats just like herself?" Aemond pondered.

"Gods. I didnt think i had to worry about you. But no! You are flirting with-"

"I wasnt flirting we were talking." Aemond corrected.

"Ha ha ha you make me laugh." Daemon decided. "You were giving her the eyes."

"Yeah." Aemond admitted. "But it might be more for her dragon."

"Lets stick with that for your mothers sake." Daemon agreed. "And mine... Davina?"

After the wedding Alyssa and Newt were happy to consummate their union. While everyone else found their way to their own chambers for a drunken happy sleep.

"Night, night, night," Vaera said waving bye as Jace carried her off.

"This is a really comfortable pillow." Aegon mused.

"Get this lug off of me!" Daeron demanded. It was definitely bed time. "He's killing me!" Daeron declared. "Argh! Squishing me!" Aegon chuckled out standing himself up. "Douche!" Daeron shouted.

"Whats the squirt?" Aegon ruffled his hair.

"'Mum!" Daeron begged.

"I think its past everyone's bed times." Avalon declared with a clap of her hands.

"Does that mean its time for us to retire to the bed room?" Daemon purred.

"Yes." Avalon agreed.

"Good because i cant wait to rip this dress off." He purred.

"No really though." Avalon countered. "I like this dress." Daemon cocked his head as she ran a hand over the bodice of the dress. He liked her in it.

"Depends on fast I can get you out of it." Daemon decided.

"Then we best hurry." Avalon agreed.

The door had hardly shut when Daemons hands and mouth were on Avalon.

With her eyes turned to watch him, her lashes lower as he slide his mouth down the back of her dress. She sighed, bowing against the counter and dropping her head between her raised arms. Crouching behind her, he filled his hands with her round cheeks. The pink lace panties looked so damn sinful on her. Too bad this is the last time she'll wear them.

He gripped the tiny straps around her hips and yank. The sound of ripping lace brings her head around.

"I liked those." Avalon remarked. "I thought I said no ripping!"

"I'll buy you a hundred more and rip every fucking one of them off your gorgeous ass." He countered. As he stood, he reached around the front of her legs and drag the tips of his fingers up her inner thighs. Her trembling limbs and precious moans scorched heat through his cock, engorging it to painful steel. When his hand encounters the soft hair on her cunt, he tugged hard on the short strands. She bit down on her lip, muffling a gasp. His heart pumps faster, harder. He pressed his chest against her back, kick her feet apart, and slide his finger along her slit. Her head fell back on his shoulder, and her mouth chases his.

He dodged her, tickling her lips along her jaw, down her neck, blanketing her skin with his breaths.

"Gods Daemon." she moaned out. He nibbled on her shoulder, let her feel his teeth, his tongue, and the heat burning him up inside. Her head rolled, exposing her neck to his kisses.

He sucked on her ear lobe, circling his tongue as he plunged his fingers into her slippery cunt. Fuck, she's so warm and wet and tight. She whimpered and rubbed her ass against his cock, propelling his teasing touches into a panting, grinding imperative. Their bodies roll together, fucking without penetration. His cock was lined up, but his slacks were in the way. He thrust his fingers in her soaking cunt, savoring the clench of her inner walls.

"Daemon." She begged and pleaded.

"Yes." His gaze flies to hers, the hardening violet depths cemented with a biting tone as he spun her around. "If another man so much as touches you, my reaction will be murderous. Remember that."

Avalon met his gaze. She understood now his need to claim her but she was already his.

"Cregan is a friend. You are my husband." Avalon whispered back. "Dancing with him was a dance. Dancing with you," she touched his cheek. "Is life."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now