48. My Stomach and I Thank You

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Soon You'll Get Better/ Sandor Clegane out now!

"I cant wait to get home." Viserys remarked through a thick breath. He coughed out and lyonel helped him back into a seat. The boat rocked under him and he felt sick to his stomach. "Should have listened to avalon and flewn." He mused coughing again.

"Your queen is a smart woman." Lyonel agreed.

"She is and I miss her every day."


Avalon woke the sunrise peering through her window. Her head turned as she squinted into the light before groaning and turning over pulling the covers up and burying her face in the warmth of her bed.

 "Mama!" Aegon called out running into the door and Avalon popped up. "OW!" Aegon cried out. Avalon jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Aegon was rubbing at his head, a big pout on her face when she opened the door. 

"Honey!" Avalon coed picking him up. 

"Oww." Aegon drawled out. 

"I bet, you have to open the door, you cant run through it like ghosts do." Avalon kissed his head all over. She pulled back and there was still a big pout on his little lips. 

"It's supposed to be open." Aegon told her. 

"Oh is it?" Avalon pondered moving back to the bed with Aegon in her arms. 

"Yeah..." Aegon agreed curling into her side as she tucked him in next to her. 

"I'm sorry baby..." Avalon whispered kissing him again, "do you want something for your head love?" Aegon shook his head holding onto her. "Push with your hands first so you dont hit your head love." Avalon whispered. 

"Okay." Aegon agreed. 

"Protect that handsome head of yours." Aegon nodded as she stroked a hand over his head. 

Avalon didnt remember falling back asleep but there was a muffin and hot tea beside her when she opened her eyes. Then she heard Alyssa's little whimpers from the next room. Avalon looked to Aegon, she kissed him again before getting up but his hand clutched tight to her finger. 

"I'm getting your sister." Avalon whispered kissing him again and pulling her finger free. Avalon took a sip of her tea and sighed as the warmth filled her. She pulled a chuck off of her muffin before heading out the door. "Hello Ser Harwin."

"Your grace." Harwin answered kindly. "Sleep in today?" 

"Yes," Avalon agreed. "aegon hit his head on the door, I need to work on opening doors in my training with him but I thought it was obvious but apparently it was not." Harwin chuckled as he walked beside her.  "I dont think he can reach the handle yet..." Avalon realized. "Goodness gracious me oh my." Harwin couldnt hide his smile as he stared down at her. Avalon pushed open Alyssa's door and Alyssa beamed back at her. 

"Hello little miss, you have a good morning without me?" avalon questioned picking her up. Alyssa nodded eagerly. "You want to see your brother?" Alyssa again nodded. "I hope you two are as good of friends as I am with my brothers." Harwin snorted a laugh from the doorway. "Maybe not as close..." Avalon added with a smirk. 

"Do you need anything your grace?" Harwin pondered as he walked her back to her chambers. 

"No, just some baby snuggles." Avalon remarked "And maybe another muffin because-" she pushed open the door and Aegon was shoving chunks into his mouth spilling crumbs all over her bed. "If it wouldnt be too much to ask-" she began. 

"Not a problem at all. Stay out of trouble until I get back." harwin requested. 

"Thank you, Harwin." Avalon declared before turning to Aegon. "Is that yummy?" 

"Yummy." Aegon agreed licking his lips. 

"Oh, Alyssa, look what daddy had made for you." Avalon put Alyssa down on the ground and Alyssa's eyes tracked her as she moved to the little chest. "A butterfly." Avalon declared handing Alyssa the little wooden butterfly figurine which promptly went to Alyssa's mouth gnawing happily at it. 

"I want my dragon." Aegon declared sliding from the bed.  Avalon pulled it out handing it to him. "Thanks mama." 

"You are welcome baby." Avalon agreed as Harwin came in with another muffin. "Thank you Harwin." Avalon declared. "My stomach and I thank you." 


With a labored breath Viserys stepped out of the carriage only to collapse to the ground.

''Fetch the Maester!'' Harrold shouted.

''Get back.'' Lyonel demanded.

''Get Mellos! Get back!'' Harrold demanded.

'Prepare the crucible. We'll need leeches.'' Mellos remarked. Avalon didn't hear them return, she was playing with her children was Viserys was brought back to his personal chambers. She heard the footfalls of guards and poked her head out.

"Are they back?" Avalon questioned and Harwin nodded. "Could you fetch Ser Criston for me please?"

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now