64. I'm A Mess Because I Love You

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Made you Look / Sandor Clegane Out now!

"Toast, toast, toast!" 

Avalon hated when the lords and ladies got together and bitched. She was an odd little dragon just like her alyssa but there was nothing wrong with their imagination, their minds creations, she didnt like that the lords and ladies of course made her feel less than. 

But today they were gathered around to celebrate their king. Her Viserys. Aegon ran around and Alyssa crawled after him happily. 

She didnt know if it was the wine or the pregnancy hormones or just the fact that Viserys was up and morning around again, acting like himself again that made her heart swell with joy and her eyes fill with happy tears. 

"I thank you all for... being here for your prayers for Viserys." Avalon remarked. "He's... doing much better and I'm gladdened... to have my husband back." Avalon remarked trying to hold back the tears. Viserys raised a glass to her. 

"So if everyone would be so kind... to raise a glass to our king. To Viserys." Avalon declared.

Viserys moved to her kissing her gently

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Viserys moved to her kissing her gently. 

"Oh my Avalon," Viserys whispered leaning into her. 

"I'm a mess because I love you." Avalon remarked. He wrapped his arm around her and she smiled into him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She whispered. 

"Dont be sorry." Viserys assured. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that." 

"You lost an arm I didnt." Avalon corrected. 

"Yet you still felt my loss and my distance, it hurt you. I hurt you baby." Viserys rasped. 

"I'm just glad you are back up and about, you look more like yourself. I missed that smile." Avalon remarked bringing a hand to his cheek. 

"And I missed you." Viserys declared. "I know you hate these." Viserys added softly. "What do you say we get the kids and go outside for some cookies and tea?" 

"That sounds perfect." Avalon agreed. "Aegon!" he was currently trying to shove a cookie in his mouth. "Come on, lets go." Aegon nodded the cookie falling from his lips, Alyssa toddled after him. A big smile on her little face as she tried to run, crawling and pulling herself up and taking a few steps and falling and crawling after Aegon again. 

Alyssa reached up for Avalon and she scooped her up. 

"Party over?" Aegon questioned. 

"It is for us, come on the real party is outside away from these people and you know it." Avalon whispered crouching beside him. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and he nodded running out. 

"Your grace," was echoed. People tried to woe viserys and get him to stay, thought Avalon was stealing him away, thought she was a cruel mistress keeping viserys hostage was her guess with the glares they sent her way. Before the forced smiles and the false compliments. Avalon heard the ladies talking about her jeweled butterfly clip and her hand went to her head touching it gently. She liked it, she pushed their words down and focused on the people she loved. She didnt have to care what anyone else thought, they were faceless nameless beings. They were no one and they were bitter at her success, her family, her title, her perfect children and wonderful husband. 

They were jealous and Avalon understood why but to be so bitter and criticize her and her fashion, how she spoke even at times, it was rude and unfair and made her mad and she was a very level headed young woman. She held Alyssa on her hip and held onto Viserys hand with the other as Aegon ran ahead. She couldnt control everyone else but she could control how she reacted to them. She was going to have a good day with her family. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now