47. Cookie Knight

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Being alone with the children not alone but alone while viserys went to driftmark avalon stayed behind

Avalon estimated a week before viserys was back if the seas were rough. 5 days if the journey was easy. Two days sailing she reminded him that flying would have been faster but viserys chuckled kissing her gently before he headed off.

So two days sailing there and two days sailing back. Depending on how long he needed to talk to Corlys and Rhaenys was another thing. Could be a day could be a partial day could be more. But avalon was hoping a week at most before they returned.

Alyssa stared up at Aegon and Avalon as they cooked in the kitchen to pass the time. Alyssa traced frosting along her plate as Avalon started decorating. Aegon ate his cookies right after he decorated them sometimes while he was decorating and he was in a sugar high by the time they were done.

"Looks like a garden." Avalon remarked fondly as she looked over the cookies. "What do you think my love? Good?" Aegon nodded and she kissed away the frosting on his face.

"Mmma!" Alyssa reached out. Avalon broke off a piece and alyssa gnawed happily on the cookie. Avalon made the cookies fly around the room and Alyssa laughed out happily.

"I think ser harwin might enjoy a cookie, dont you think my love?" Avalon questioned

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"I think ser harwin might enjoy a cookie, dont you think my love?" Avalon questioned

"Cookie knight!" Aegon laughed out.

"Oh we must not tell him that," avalon teased.


''An outsider... among the natives.'' Larys strong said as Avalon approached him in the gardens at the capital she was bringing harwin a few cookies and was about to offer one to larys but she didnt like his tone.

''Lord Larys.'' Avalon remarked.

''Malvales." He clarified ''A rare bloom."

"Indigenous to Braavos." Avalon agreed as he plucked the flower holding it out to her. Alyssa loved nature and flowers so avalon had grown to know the different plants in the garden.

"By all rights, it shouldn't be thriving here. Nature... such mystery.'' Larys remarked he gripped to his cane as he looked over at her.

''The weather has been lovely.'' Avalon mused as rain trickled down around them.

''Indeed.'' Larys agreed ''And yet it is a dark day for the realm."

"Why is that?" Avalon questioned.

"The lord hand. Of course." Larys reminded her.

"So why is it a dark day?" Avalon countered smugly turning the stem of the malvales in her hand. She wasnt a huge fan of otto and was glad to have fresh uncumbersome eyes as Viserys hand. " Your father seems a better fit, Lord Lyonel seems smart and kind and less self interested than most on the council."

"Thank you your grace, my father is a... good man." Larys agreed ''Yet still, the manner of the hands departure... it feels something of an injustice.'' Larys remarked and Avalon chuckled as the thunder raged on around them.

'What do you know of the matter of his leaving?" Avalon countered.

''When one is never invited to speak, one learns instead to, um... observe. You're perhaps in need of an ally?' Larys suggested cautiously.

''I'm the Queen. I have no shortage of allies.''

''Naturally. Princess Rhaenyra, for example.'' Larys agreed.

"She is not thrilled of this union but she understands." Avalon assured. "She will happy once she is home, she will be queen not Laenor." Avalon reminded him. "Rhaenyra will not be subjected to the typical marriages, she will hold the power." Larys just shrugged. ''State your purpose, my lord.'' Avalon demanded.

''Uh... I did wonder if she could be relied upon now that she is... unwell.''

''Unwell? I haven't heard anything.'' Avalon countered

''Begging your pardon, Your Grace, I may be mistaken. It's just that on the very same night the lord hand was dismissed, the Grand Maester delivered a tea to the Princess's chambers.'' Larys informed her.

''A tea?'' Avalon questioned. "Teas are nothing special."

'Yes.'' Larys agreed "But the grand maester delivered it personally."

''That the Grand Maester himself brought?'' Avalon questioned confused.

''At the direction of the King, as I understand it. I do hope she's not unwell.'' Larys said kindly.

''Rhaenyra sailed with the King to Driftmark yesterday at daybreak.'' Avalon informed him but her brain began to spiral. Daemon was a good liar but Rhaenyra didn't lie to her, could they really have... no, Daemon wouldn't. Rhaenyra wouldn't...

''Oh, what good news. I must've been in error. Oh, a relief.'' Larys told her taking unsteady steps towards her.  ''See, I thought for Mellos himself, well... her condition must be something very serious. What happiness it is to have been wrong.''

"Thank you for letting me know Lord Larys." Avalon said taking brisk steps to the garden. Not Daemon, not her Daemon, someone else perhaps... but Viserys would tell her, surely he would. Avalon leaned up against the wall looking down at Aegon and Alyssa playing together so nicely she sat down slowly before them.

"Mama ook!" Alyssa declared holding up a caterpillar on her hand. It crawled up her arm.

"She likes bugs." Aegon told her. "It's weird."

"Be nice." Avalon told him kissing his face. "I think it is wonderful. Aly that's a caterpillar." Avalon told her.

"Cata." Alyssa declared.

"Caterpillar." Avalon repeated as it inched over to avalon's hand. Surely Rhaenyra wouldn't lie, wouldn't hurt her babies, but why the secrecy? They used to be so close, what happened? Was Otto right? Were her children in danger?

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