65. Promise Me

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Avalon was due within the fortnight and there was much to be thankful for. Viserys was back on his feet. Her children were growing strong. 

Her stomach was ready to burst and Viserys wanted to surprise her. She got in the carriage thinking they were going for a ride but it wasnt just any ride it was a celebration of life. 

Alyssa babbled in her arms as Aegon was half telling half rambling unrecognizable words of... something Avalon was still trying to figure that out. Avalon leaned into Viserys as they rode but then she heard the cheers, saw the little dragon banners in the sky and looked around at the knights and guards, their patrons, the people of the city all lined up for what seemed like miles and miles. 

It made all those snot nosed ladies of court seem like nothing when Avalon saw all these true and kind smiles. Some of the children didnt have shoes on and Avalon made a mental note to go back to the orphanage and get them more clothes and shoes and food. 

But Avalon smiled back at Viserys as he held to her hand. He knew that she didnt fit in with the lords and ladies of court, knew that most wanted him to pick a different bride but he loved Avalon and was grateful that she loved him too. 

Avalon waved at the people and she could have sworn that her hand was glowing just for a moment, like magic

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Avalon waved at the people and she could have sworn that her hand was glowing just for a moment, like magic. She stared back at her fingers a moment longer as Aegon waved out jumping up and down in the carriage smiling back at the people. 

"My love?" Viserys questioned kissing her cheek. 

"I just thought I...."


"Thank you Viserys." Avalon remarked. "Thank you so much this is wonderful."

"The people... I may have said we are going for a ride and gave the time but the people love you, they think you are a good queen, just and honorable. I think so too. I think they also see what a good mother you are, and they like that they feel more connected with you." Viserys offered. "I know I do, you light up the room with that smile Avalon."


"Your grace, stop pushing." 

That was not a statement Avalon thought she would hate to hear while trying to deliver her baby, was this the day she died? Her mother... Gods she was the third child and now something was wrong, surely something was wrong. Avalon choked back at sob.

"What's wrong?" Viserys demanded as Avalons teary eyes stared back at him. 

"The babe is just in a difficult position." 

"Whats that mean? Whats wrong with my baby?" Avalon whimpered out. 

"Nothing nothing, we are going to try and get the babe turned around. So the babe can come out." 

"my baby is stuck?" Avalons teeth chattered and tears filled her eyes. 

"Poppy for the queen." The maester instructed. 

"No." Avalon corrected tasting her salty tears. "Is my baby going to be okay? Am I?" 

"Of course you are." Viserys declared kissing her cheek. Avalon looked to him unsure though. "Tell her." Viserys demanded the maester. 

"Some poppy for the queen." Was all the maester had to say, which made Avalon sob harder. 

"Viserys, Viserys, Viserys," Avalon cried out. "I need to tell them I love them, every day, I need you... I need you to tell them I love them if I dont get the chance." Avalon begged. 

"You are going to be fine." Viserys assured. "You are. I wont allow it any other way." 

"Dont hate the world if I'm gone. Dont hate the babe like father did with me. Love this child. Love them all." Avalon begged. 

"You are not going anywhere!" Viserys demanded. 

"Tell Daemon I miss him and want him home." Avalon went on as the maester pushed on her stomach she sobbed out as they tried to adjust her baby. "Tell him I love him and Vis-"

"Stop, just stop." Viserys demanded. "I dont want to live in a world without my avalon." 

"Promise me Vis. Promise me."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now