63. Surprise

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"Davina! It wasnt like that it was just... just..." avalon's mind spiraled. Davina leaned in bringing a hand to her ear.

"It's just? I'm listening." Davin agreed.

"It was just a kiss goodnight."

"Does Daemon know that?" Davina countered. 

"Of course he does." Avalon assured. 

"But does he?" Davina pushed. 

"Yes. Besides he left and I dont know when he is coming back." Avalon remarked glumly. 

"You miss him." Davina decided. 

"Of course I miss him." Avalon agreed. "I am pregnant and moody and hormonal and... I miss him and I miss Viserys." 

"Go hug your husband." Davina decided. 

So when Avalon got back she went looking for Viserys but didnt find him. 

"Ser Criston, might you direct me to Viserys?" Avalon pondered. 

"Said he was working on a surprise for you in your chambers." Criston offered. "I was given orders not to let you near-"

"A surprise!" Avalon declared running down the hall. 

"Your gra- Avalon you're not supposed to- Damnit." Criston muttered chasing after her. 

"Knock knock I'm already in." Avalon remarked as she pushed open her door and looked around. She pouted back at Criston. "Liar." 

"Thats what his grace said." Criston corrected. 

"There isnt anything in here." Avalon corrected. 

"Yes I see that." 

"What do you see?" Avalon countered. "I see nothing new, do you see my surprise?"

"No, I just meant..."

"I'm teasing you, Ser Criston." Avalon remarked smiling back at him. 

"Ah, my avalon, there you are." Viserys remarked. He gave her a kiss and held onto her hand. 

"Hello Viserys, glad to see you up and about, I wasnt looking for anything, I mean I know nothing and Ser Criston definitely didnt spill any secrets." Avalon informed Viserys seriously. Viserys looked between them before kissing Avalon again. 

"I love you so much Avalon." 

"I love you." Avalon agreed. "Now, I'm not saying I know anything because I certainly dont but... I was- overheard." She corrected. 

"Come on, it is in our chambers." Viserys remarked. 

"Is it still our?" Avalon pondered as they walked. "You havent wanted me around much... and I worried." Viserys stopped her holding onto her hands. 

"Of course. Of course it is our chambers. I just... I'm sorry I made you feel like it wasnt." Viserys offered. 

"I'm sorry." Avalon corrected. "You are going through something I can't understand and you... you are perfect and sweet and wonderful and... I'm sorry if I pushed you or annoyed you at all I know you are healing and-"

"No, Avalon." viserys corrected. "You could never annoy me." Viserys assured. "I love you. I love you so much. I just was going through something and I didnt want to drag you down with me, love."

"Thats what family does, helps you out of your darkest shadows and shows you the light." Avalon whispered. 

"You are my little light." Viserys agreed holding onto her. "Come on, time for your surprise for being the best mother to the children and the best wife to me." 

Avalon pressed a kiss to his cheek as he lead her to their chambers. 

"I had something made for you." Viserys remarked leading Avalon to the patio. "Here it is. You just sit and well why dont you give is a try." Viserys offered. "Sit. Please, take a seat."

"A swing." Avalon remarked curiously.

"For you and Aegon." Viserys agreed.

"Or you and me." Avalon offered. She looked at the vines and flowers going up to the ceiling it was beautiful.

"Sit my love." Viserys requested. Avalon sat down swinging gently back and forth. "You like it?" Avalon smiled widely.

"Love it." Avalon agreed.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now