72. Just Jump

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Avalon brought Aemond in to visit Alicent and she perked up smiling down at him.

"Vent." Avalon instructed and Alicent looked up from Aemond. "Scream, shout, break something." Avalon suggested. "Or we could go shopping!" Avalon told her. Alicent just stared back at her. "You are hiding, I understand, you went through something horrific but you can't bottle it up. It will eat you alive if you hide away yourself and your feelings." Avalon informed her.

"I'm... alright." Her bruises and cuts had faded, she looked healthier but her eyes were still sunken and Avalon didn't think she got much sleep. But then a smile crossed Avalon's face as she got up.

"Come on." Avalon said giving her no choice as she delivered Aemond to Rhaenyra and lead Alicent outside.

"Avalon!" Rhaenyra called after her. But Avalon didn't answer she just kept leading Alicent out, Alicent spared a glance back at Rhaenyra but she held a face of bitter resentment. Aemond slapped at her cheeks happily and Rhaenyra glanced down at him before letting out a sigh.

"Avalon... where are we going?" Alicent questioned.

"Find a bit of release." Avalon told her and Alicent stared confused. Avalon didn't say anything else as they walk. Criston ran catching up with them.

"Your grace..." Criston said before nodding to Alicent. Alicent smiled sheepishly back at him.

"Criston, we are on a mission." Avalon informed him.

"A mission?"

"Yes." Avalon agreed. "An emotional release mission." Criston stared at her confused.

"A what, your grace?" Criston questioned hand loosely on the hilt of his sword as they walked.

"Right here." Avalon decided as she slipped off her shoes. Alicent and Criston stared at her on the cliffside very confused. "Criston are you joining us?"

"What are you doing?" Criston countered.

"Jumping. Of course." Alicent peered down over the side of the cliff and swallowed the lump in her throat before looking to Avalon. "My Cousin Davina and I used to do this when we were little." Avalon informed her. "It is perfectly safe." Criston peered down. "If you wear your armor you will sink though, Criston so I suggest you remove that."

"Are you sure its safe?" Alicent questioned slipping out of her shoes.

"Perfectly, I'm still here." Avalon looked to Criston. "I know I have this I am unstoppable vibe going on but I am a weakling." Avalon informed him. "If you jump and start drowning... well I will miss you." Avalon said sweetly.

"I should stay, where I can keep an eye on you." Criston countered.

"Yes but...." Avalon took a step towards him and grabbed the front of his armor bringing him to the edge. "We jump... we end up down there, not here." Avalon said letting him go but he stayed close to her, feeling her breath on his neck. "So?"

"What if someone takes-" Criston began.

"Alicent, ready?" Avalon said glancing back at Criston as he pulled off his armor.

"What do I do?"

"Jump. Scream. Fly."

Alicent nodded looking back to Criston. She couldn't peel her eyes away from him but his gaze was on Avalon. Alicent looked to her feet as she felt Avalon grab her hand.

"Ready?" Avalon asked. Alicent nodded. "Let it all go." Avalon smiled back at Criston as he approached them.

"On three?" Alicent offered.

"Sure... THREE." Avalon declared as she took off, Alicent stared at her as she turned to them as she fell back her arms out wide and the biggest smile on her face. Alicent and Criston ran to the edge looking down and it looked as though Avalon was truly flying before the splash.

"I said three!" Avalon called up to them flipping her wet hair out of her face. "Come on!" Alicent nodded jumping off same as Criston. Screams left their mouths but then the moment right before the fall there was an overwhelming sense of peace. Avalon swam back giving them more room as their splashes ricocheted.

Alicent popped up for breath and looked to Avalon with the biggest of smiles.

"Well?" Avalon questioned smugly her arms grazing the surface of the water around her.


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