90. Hatching Truths

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"I think you and-"

"Your grace." Criston began.

"I'm just saying, she is a lovely young lady and you are a handsome man-" Avalon went on.

"I'm sworn to the queens guard, your guard." Criston remarked her and Avalon shrugged.

"I know but..."

"Avalon," Criston chuckled. "There is no but." Criston reminded her.

"I mean-"

"Your grace. Stop playing match maker." Criston begged.

"She has been through a lot... if you wanted to take her out as a friend." Avalon annunciated.

"Avalon." Criston chuckled.

"Friends can have supper or break their fast and not be romantically involved." Avalon reminded him.

"I suppose." Criston agreed.

"I know she thinks you handsome." Avalon went on.

"Oh?" Criston asked "Did she tell you this?"

"No..." Avalon admitted. "I have eyes and I see how she looks at you."

"I'm sure it is... nothing."

"Oh yes I'm sure she looks at you as she does because she wants you to show her how to hold a blade not rip your armor off." Avalon agreed sarcastically. Criston stared down at her. "What?!"

"you realize you are encouraging me to break my vows.'

"I am doing no such thing. Vows are important." Avalon corrected. "Its been a few years... I just think maybe she would like someone, as a friend, as a friend so see what a good man could be like."

"Your grace."

"just think it through, you don't have to do anything. You don't have to but just know I would be okay with it." Avalon informed him and Criston glanced down at Rhaenyra and Alicent in the courtyard.

"Prince Luke has gotten quite big." Criston remarked.

"Yes, everyone is growing so fast, the girls are no longer girls but women-alright fine I will stop." Avalon muttered.

"I'm grateful for you my queen." Criston told her.


''Prince Daemon...'' alicent whispered. Over the years she had her secrets eating her up inside, after everything that Avalon had done for her, taking her in as her own. She kept meaning to tell her of all the pain and hatred, the envy her father had forced upon her. She kept wanting to but she didn't want to leave but as the children got bigger and Viserys grew weaker, she didn't want someone else finding out and telling Avalon or Viserys before Alicent got the chance, it would sound better coming from her. Or from Daemon perhaps.

''Ah Hightower, Avalon wrote me that you were back.' Daemon remarked

''I have to tell you something.'' Alicent whispered getting closer

''Alright''. Daemon agreed cautiously.

''My father wanted me to kill avalon.'' Alicent began and daemon had his hand on her throat faster than you could say DRACARYS.

''What?'' Daemon hissed.

''When... before... wedding.'' Alicent choked out. ''I couldnt. I wouldnt.'' Daemon released his grip on her. ''I thought someone should know. Someone should do something.'' Alicent whimpered

''Why shouldnt I kill you? '' Daemon countered.

''You could.'' Alicent admitted. "My father, he wanted me as queen and he... he wanted me to do it. Wanted me to prove I could..."

"And my sister allowed you in, saved you all those years ago and this is how you repaid her for her kindness, are you conspiring again?" Daemon hissed.

"No, I swear it. I am grateful for the queen and I would never. It was just eating me up. Kill me if you like but know my father doesn't give up so easily." Alicent told him and Daemon glared down at her.

''Daemon! You're back!'' Avalon declared running up to them.

''Hi trouble. I missed you,'' daemon said hugging her tight.

''Did you bring the girls? I want to meet my nieces''. Avalon informed him

''No. Just me love.'' Daemon corrected and the smile never left avalons face.

''I see you two are getting aquatinted again.'' Avalon remarked.

''Yes. Alicent was just telling me an interesting story.'' Daemon agreed.

''Oh?'' Avalon smiled over at Alicent and she felt her heart racing in her chest.

''Or maybe its not so interesting.'' Daemon went on nonchalantly. ''They all die in the end.''

''Sounds like the greyjoys.'' Avalon murmured.

''Was that you?'' Daemon asked leading her away. Alicent stared at them perplexed daemon could have told avalon right now but he didnt. But he did say they all die in the end...

''Technically it was mouse.'' Avalon corrected.

"Technically." Daemon repeated. "Hey love I have to take care of something-"

"No you just got here!" Avalon begged.

"I will return... I have some old enemies that played their hand." Daemon mused.

"No, stay." Avalon begged.

"I'm doing this to protect you love." Daemon whispered against her lips. She didn't move, he touched her smooth skin fingers trialing over her lips.

"I want you to be careful.'" Avalon whispered her lips barely moved under his gentle touch

He laid his thumb on her lips to see if she'd pull away. She didn't. He leaned closer. He wanted to close his eyes, but he didn't trust her not to leave him standing there.

"Avalon," he rasped looking her in the eyes. Her breath hitched in her chest as his lips touched hers and he felt her fist his shirt keeping him to her. He kissed her, drowning all her senses with his lingering words, his intoxicating taste, his powerful body flesh to hers.


It was an exciting day apparently. Alyssa was getting a dragon. 

"Oh honey! SHe is beautiful!" Avalon declared. Alyssa nodded reaching out for the dragon. 

Aemond sighed shoulders sagging. He thought it was his turn to get a dragon, he wanted one more than Alyssa did. Alyssa bowed like Avalon did to Mouse and giggled when Dreamfyre bowed back at her. 

Avalon was so excited for Alyssa but hated how sad Aemond was. She held him closer smiling as she rested her chin on his shoulders he sat back in her lap, a big pout on her face. 

"When do I get a dragon mama?" Aemond whispered. 

"You will have a dragon, I know it." 

Then Jace's egg hatched and Aemond's little heart would never be the same. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now