127. Yours. Mine. Ours

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Judging by the way Daemon's gaze kept flickering between Davina's eyes and her hands, he expected another punch or jab. Taking advantage of the moment, she kicked out her leg, sweeping his out from underneath him. He landed with a solid thump on his ass. Triumph soothed her aches.

"Not so full of yourself now, are you?" Davina mused. Too late, she felt his fingers close around her ankle. The ground flip flopped with the ceiling, and she landed on her back. Before she could force the air back in her lungs, Daemon straddled her with his knees on either side of her hips. He clasped her wrists and pushed them above her head, trapping her beneath his perfect body covered only by a loose pair of workout shorts. Sweat glistened on his defined pecs, and his biceps bulged. Above her, his violet eyes darkened.

"What were you saying Dav?" Daemon countered as Avalon clapped out.

"Snapper your turn." Davina instructed as Daemon got up offering her hand.

"Harwin, your turn." Daemon countered.

"Hello Harwin." Davina purred moving to him. "You remember my son, Snapper."

"Dont scare him Dav." Avalon declared.

"If you werent so sexy I might be terrified of you princess." Harwin remarked. Davina tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Its the pretty ones you have to look out for." Davina countered, the sexiest wink was sent his way. Avalon chuckled watching harwin watch davina walk towards Snapper.

Vaera found that she liked Snapper. He tapped a finger on her little head and she giggled back up at him. Daemon sucked in a nervous breath. But for the first time since davina adopted the little monster Daemon saw him smile.

"Making friends with the cutest little thing in westeros?" Davina questioned. Snapper scowled back at her before seeing who it was. Davina gave him a stern look and his face softened.

"Sorry ma." Snapper said. She ran a hand over his head. Of course she would be able to tame the little beast but that didn't mean that Daemon wanted his daughter so close to someone that could so quickly turn on a dime. Yet snapper seemed to like Vaera. Vaera seemed to like snapper.

"Come on. Training time. And i think it might be nap time for little Vee." Davina added. Snapper looked at Vaera again still a single finger tapping her little head.

"They are good." Avalon assured. "I trust them."

"Nap time." Daemon was very protective of his children and his time with avalon. He wasnt going to waste a moment of it. He picked Vaera up holding her upside down. She giggled out her short silver hair reaching for the ground.

"Mama!" Vaera laughed out.

"Daddys got you-" avalon reached out tickling her tummy.

"Meet me naked in our room." Daemon insturcted. "I have a little to put to bed." Avalon laughed as daemon ran off. Avalon was not waiting naked for him. He tsked before his lips found hers.

They kissed, long and slow, their tongues stroking, their bodies pressing together tightly. Avalon smiled into him as he fisted her dress. Hands sliding in the slits on her dress.

On a whimpered moan she melted, the fabric of her dress a cool caress against his heated skin. He took his time, licking and sucking, nipping and soothing, relishing every moan and sigh. He turned around, guiding her back toward the chair, slowly easing her back, but her lips stuck to his.

Filthy kisses full of hungry, gasping need. With slow, deliberate movements he ran his hands over the curves of her body, finding the ties of her dress. He pulled at them gently.

He allowed his hands to roam down her rib cage and hips, slipping his hands under the hem of her dress, the edges of her panties silk against his palms. He savored the smooth curve of her backside as she sucked his earlobe, balancing her hands on his thighs, dangerously close to his crotch, pulling him closer.

"You didnt listen Avalon." He whispered.

Pleasure coiled through her, tighter and tighter, centering on her clit and the slow circling of his thumb there. She pressed her fingers hard against the seat, desperate for more leverage to force him to finish this. So close. His hand drops away and then his voice is in her ear, low and rougher than she had ever heard it.

"Now I'm going to enjoy ripping this off." Daemon assured.

His hands cupped her neck, then slid into her hair while his mouth covered hers. She tugged on his shirt until he removed it with one hand and gripped her head again, kissing her like he thought it was the last kiss they'd ever have. She moaned when he ripped the fabric of her dress, he palmed her breasts with rough hands. It took him a few seconds to slide her short skirt of her dress up her waist and destroy her delicate panties.

With their next shared, labored breath, he pushed inside of her. They kissed hard and fucked even harder. He maneuvered her beneath him, driving into her with unforgiving thrusts. Daemons hand smacked the wall. Their grunts and moans filled the space.

Avalon curled her fingers into the taut muscles of his backside.

"You are mine." Daemon whispered.

"I'm y-yours ..." Avalon agreed. He trapped her nipple between his teeth and tugged it with a chuckle. His other hand slid beneath her and squeezed her ass while he released her nipple.

She couldn't help but grin when he kissed her. she dug her heel into the seat and arched her back. The muscles in his neck stretched when he reared his head back and stilled deep inside of her.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now