77. Bad Words & Babies

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Timeless / House of the Dragon x Legends of Tomorrow out now!

"I want another." Avalon declared as Viserys held Jace in his arm.


"Yes." Avalon said immediately. "Ours are so cute and now that Rhaenyra is having more..."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Viserys said kissing her gently.

"I want to show our kids Jace." Avalon corrected reaching for Jace.

Aegon stared back at Avalon before looking to Jace.

"Why does he look like that?" Aegon asked.

"He's a baby." Avalon reminded him.

"Why does he look like that though?" Aegon asked again. "His hair."

"It's pretty right?" Avalon encouraged Alyssa reached out a hand and touched Jace's little head.

Avalon knew that rumors would spread like wildfire, she knew the velaryons wouldn't like it either. But he was healthy and beautiful and Avalon would protect him. 


Avalon stroked her hands up and down Viserys sides he had already taken his bath and was still wet, a towel wrapped around his hips, and she toyed with the bit where it was tucked under in a makeshift knot. He smiled back at her putting down his toothbrush.

"Morning." He whispered leaning back into her. Avalon stepped away from him, leaning against the sink so she could look directly at his face instead of his reflection in the mirror.

"I look at you and I think how did I get so lucky." Viserys remarked. Avalon smiled back at him as he moved her to the counter helping her up as she jumped. Moving in between her knees to anchor her. Her legs tapped at his hips. 

"Because I knew since you came back to the capital, from that point that I wanted you in my life forever, as more than what we were. I'd already known before that, but I don't think I ever... really thought it could happen, and now you are mine."  Viserys declared. 

"I am yours and you are mine." Avalon agreed. 

"Had I known it would lead us here and now, I'm very grateful. Because freedom with you my darling taste so sweet." Viserys told her kissing her his hand trailing up her thighs. He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Hell yes I do." Avalon agreed and he pulled an exaggerated Oooh face and smacked her thigh with the flat of his hand.

"You know that's a bad word, right?" Viserys teased and Avalon rolled her eyes. 

"Of course I do." She tugged at the front of his towel, bringing Him closer. He grinned, dipping his head to try to take a nip at the side of her neck. She waited for him to finish, tickling his bare belly with the backs of her fingers, just above the towel.

He caught her lips and he pulled her into a deep kiss, tugging her forward so that her butt was just barely on the sink as her legs went around his back. His towel dropped to the floor and he separated his mouth from mine just long enough to look down at it and whisper, "Oops." she giggled out as she hugged his neck tightly and sighed against his still damp skin as he helped her from the sink and walked her back toward the bed. He smelled fresh from his bath and minty kisses, while Avalon was sure she tasted like carrot cake.

He laid her gently on the bed and started removing her dress and panties, quickly and expertly stripping her bare before stretching out over her and letting his weight press her into the soft mattress. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling just hard enough to make him moan.

"Viserys, I'm pregnant." Avalon whispered and he rolled over off her onto his back and covering his face with his hand. He opened his eyes staring back at her. 

"You are?" 

"Yes." Avalon agreed. "I have been for a few moons now but... well I... with Rhaenyra I didnt want to draw any attention away from her so I was trying to hide it." Avalon remarked and Viserys hand went to her stomach. 

"Another baby my love... but you said about me being sterile-"

"I was teasing you." Avalon assured. "I become sassy when Dav's here." She realized. 

"You do. I like it." Viserys assured. "You are pregnant?"

"I am, we are, we are having another baby viserys."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now