10. Always a Dragon

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"Dombo." Daemon told Avalon. She stared back at him. "Dombo." he repeated. "Dom-"

"VISERYS!" Avalon declared. "Daemon is calling me a dumbo." 

"Daemon!" Viserys scolded.

"I am not." Daemon corrected. "I'm trying to teach her." Daemon corrected. 

"By calling our sister a dumbo," Viserys tsked. 

"Dombo." Daemon corrected. 

"See?" Avalon declared hugging Viserys legs. "He's being mean, tell him to stop." 

"It is a high Valyrian word." Viserys told her picking her up and bringing her back to the table. 

"For dumbo?" Avalon countered a big pout on her face. 

"More." Daemon corrected. "You think I would call you a dumbo?"

"You certainly had fun with me thinking  you were!" Avalon countered sticking her tongue out at him. "You are being difficult." 

"Oh no don't anger cutie pie." Viserys warned. 

"Oh, can we get pie?" Avalon asked. "Oh cake, carrot cake. Please!" She clasped her hands together under her chin looking up at him. 

"Can you say carrot cake?" Daemon asked. 

"I just did." Avalon countered. 

"In high Valyrian." Viserys countered. Avalon groaned out.

"If I do, can we get some?" Avalon negotiated.

"Sure." Daemon agreed. 

"onjapos lōtinty." Avalon said clearly to which Daemon and Viserys were both surprised. 

"Onya." Daemon applauded. 

"HA! Cake time!" Avalon said getting up but Viserys held her to him. 

"Not yet." 

"But Dae said!" Avalon whined slumping back against Viserys. 

"One more..." Viserys requested. 

"Fine." Avalon agreed through a huff. 

"Avalon es Muña Zaldrizoti."

Avalon stared back at Viserys a moment longer. 

"Avalon." She told him. 

"Yes, there was no translation there." Viserys agreed as Daemon snorted a laugh. 

"Is." Avalon went on. Viserys nodded. "I'm not a mother." Avalon remarked. "You are saying confusing things too."

"Zaldrizoti." Daemon echoed. "What is that?" 

"Dragons?" Avalon asked and stated. 

"Good." Viserys agreed. "Put it together." and Avalon gave him an Oh face coming to the realization of what he said. 

"I am the mother of dragons!" Avalon declared happily. 

"Wonderful." Daemon agreed. "You really are, they listen to you better than anyone."

"CAKE TIME!" Avalon said running out. "MOUSE! CAKE TIME!" 

"I don't think Mouse is going to want cake." Daemon called after her. 

"Why not?" Avalon countered. "Cake is delicious."

"She has a point." Daemon remarked as she grabbed to his hand. 


Viserys wiped Avalon's face of frosting as he tucked her in. 

"Is Aemma coming tomorrow?" Avalon asked setting up her stuffed animals around her. Putting her little dragon plush next to her and tucking him in. Viserys loved how Avalon always tended to her plushies. She made sure they were comfortable and always ended up scattered around the floor and bed in the morning. 

"I think so." Viserys agreed. Their union although secured had been pushed and pushed. Aemma understood. They were both young after all and were not in a rush. Aemma liked that he tended to his baby sister. Took care of both his siblings as though he was their father. It showed her that he would make a good father one day. She hoped it meant he would be a loyal husband with his dedication to his family. 

"I like her. She doesnt like Mouse though." Avalon remarked. "I don't like that about her." Avalon admitted. 

"She is not used to dragons, she is not a dragon love." Viserys reminded her as she settled back into her pillow. 

"But Mouse is the sweetest." Avalon reminded him. "Mouse loves everyone. Wouldnt hurt her, is that what she is worried about? Mouse wouldnt." Avalon assured him. 

"Oh, I know that love, I know but she's still getting used to this." Viserys reminded her. 

"Can we have a play date?" Avalon asked. 

"You and Aemma?" 

"Yes." Avalon answered. "And Mouse." Viserys chuckled. 

"I can ask her." Viserys agreed. "Could I come too?" 

"No." Avalon answered and Viserys stared down at her as he ran a hand through her hair. 

"No?" Viserys countered kissing her forehead. 

"I need to show her that Mouse is good and you will distract her." Avalon remarked. 

"Am I distracting?" Viserys mused. 

"She seems to like you." Avalon agreed. 

"Seems to, that's nice." Viserys agreed. 

"I like you." Avalon assured. 

"Oh, you like me?" 

"I love you!" Avalon declared laughing as he tickled her stomach. "She will too." Avalon assured him. 

"Thank you Avalon. I love you sweetie. Get some rest." Viserys instructed. 

"Tell me a story." Avalon requested pulling him down to her. 

"Avalon wants a story..." Viserys remarked as he sat down beside her. She looked up at him and batt those little eyes at him and he was ready to give her world. 

"Yeah, a dragon story!" Avalon declared. 

"Always a dragon." Viserys agreed.

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