33. I Was Here

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Back to December // Cregan stark out now!

Aegon was born and Avalon was a mother. First things first she wanted to show him to Mouse. 

"Aegon, meet Mouse. Mouse is my first baby. My biggest baby. I love him and I want you to love him too." Avalon declared as she ran a hand over Aegon's head. He tipped into her. 

"I love you dont worry," Avalon assured Aegon. "But Mouse... what do you think? You like your brother?" Avalon held Aegon up, Aegon was already asleep in Avalon's arms. Mouse got closer breathing in Aegon's scent. 

"Your grace..." Harwin questioned peering into the pits. 

"Hello Harwin..." Avalon answered not looking away from Mouse. She held Aegon up closer. 

"The king was looking for you." Harwin remarked. 

"I was here." 

"Of course you were." Harwin agreed. 

"I wanted Aegon to meet Mouse. I think they are getting along great. Dont you?" Avalon questioned. Harwin smiled back at her. "But of course they are. Aegon is my boy and so is Mouse. My boys, my boys..." 


"He's barely a week." Viserys reminded her. 

"Daemon used to tell me that mother strapped him on her and took her flying the day after he was born!" Avalon corrected. "Come on, it will be fun, he will love it!" 

"You both are so little." Viserys reminded her but Avalon smiled back at him as she headed outside. 

"Is Daemon coming to meet Aegon?" Avalon questioned. Viserys smiled softly back at her. "I get it..."

"We can raven... again." Viserys offered. 

Avalon had wrote trice to Daemon and to say she was disappointed he wasnt here was an understatement. TO be mad about their union was one thing but not being there for her... that hurt. 

She loved her brothers, they were her whole world and she missed Daemon. Viserys hugged her as he kissed her gently. 

"I will raven him again." Viserys repeated. Avalon stared back at him. "Be very careful my love." Viserys begged. 

"Arent I always?" Avalon corrected kissing him again before running outside. Aegon stared up at her as she secured him onto her. His little cheek resting against her chest as she climbed up. 

"Mouse, we fly." Avalon declared happily, his tail seemed to wag as she got situated. He walked out and waited until she had a firm grip on his reigns. 

"Show Aegon the world." Avalon requested scratching nails over Mouses back. Mouse huffed a breath in agreement as he took off. 

Aegons eyes went wide as he felt them take off. She kept one hand running over his back as she kissed the top of his head. 

"It's okay my love, I won't let anyone hurt you." Avalon assured him. He seemed to understand. "Mouse is my protector, he will protect you too." she added, Aegon closed his eyes as she wrapped her cloak around him shielding him from the breeze. Avalon didnt know how long she was in the air for but she always felt more alive up in the clouds with the hum of her dragon under her. 

As though it was where she belonged, like she too radiated the dragon energy in her. 

She couldnt explain it in words to ask if Daemon or Viserys felt the same. She knew Viserys didnt love the flight as much as herself and Daemon but she loved his smile when she told him how much she loved riding. 

It made her think all dragons, actual and Targaryens alike felt this magic within them.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now