91. Dragonless

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Then Jace's egg hatched and Aemond's little heart would never be the same.

"Jace is younger than me!" Aemond declared.

"Mommy," daeron whispered tugging on her dress.

"One moment daeron baby." Avalon assured. "Aemond you will have a dragon, I know it doesnt seem fair but you will my love."

"When!" Aemond demanded. "You got one when you were just a baby-"

"Viserys- your father didnt. He was older than you, older than aegon, he was a dragonrider, and he rode one of the best dragons, a dragon of the kings." Avalon declared.

"Balerion." Aemond agreed.

"I know it doesnt seem fair but-"

"He only got to be a dragon rider for a little bit because his dragon was old and now he doesnt ride anymore!" Aemond reminded her.

"Aemond you will have a dragon. I know it, I will make sure of it." Avalon declared. "It's not fair that Jace's egg hatched and yours hasnt yet hatched but-"

"Mommy." Daeron repeated.

"What honey?"

"I had to go potty." Daeron whispered. She looked at his soiled pants and sighed.

She covered her face with her hand and requested a bath to be run for daeron before she picked him up. He smiled sheepishly up at her.

"It's okay honey I'm sorry." Avalon whispered kissing his cheek. "Aemond can we-" Aemond was already marching off and Avalon felt like a failure.


Daemon's next stop was old town. He slid off Caraxes and moved with confidence through the streets.

"My prince." Was echoed as he passed. Daemon spun his blade in his hand as he moved.

"Hightower?" Daemon questioned and the woman pointed down to the docks. "Wonderful." Daemon agreed.

Hobert Hightower heard the creak and the stomp of boot behind him as daemon approached.

"My prince." Hobert said stiffly, "I didn't know you were coming. We would have-"

"Where is your brother?" Daemon demanded.

"Otto is off, he isnt... whats the meaning of-" Hobert began nervously.

"Your cunt of a brother tried to have my sister killed." Daemon sneered slowly crushing his windpipe, Hobert clawed at Daemon's arms as he tried to free himself from Daemon's harsh grasp.

"My little Avalon... I always knew Hightowers were worms, filth, power hungry, I bet you were in on it too." Daemon continued to wring his neck until Hobert went pale and blood dripped from his eyes and nose, his hand fell from Daemon's arm and his body went limp in his grasp. Daemon dropped him in the waters, brushing his hands off and marching back.

"did you find him?" the woman who had directed Daemon asked.

"I did, wrong Hightower though, I should have been more specific." Daemon agreed. "Thank you so much."

"Of course my prince." She said cheerily as she went back to her sewing.


"Aemond, your mother said I might find you out here." Viserys remarked as he came up to Mouse in the pits. Aemond was leaning up against him.

"I'm never going to be a dragon rider." Aemond huffed out.

"You know I was 16 when I claimed Balerion." Viserys remarked settling beside him. "I was jealous of my siblings, Avalon's egg hatched and she was... her and Mouse are still inseparable." Viserys offered petting Mouses scales.

"But you claimed him." Aemond reminded him.

"And you are 6, you have plenty of time." Viserys reminded him.

"How did you do it?"

"You know the maesters initially didnt want my mother claiming Balerion said that he was old and weak but I wanted a dragon too. Just like you Aemond." Viserys assured. "Balerion was hard to rouse, and struggled when I tried to urge him into the sky. We flew around King's Landing three times," Viserys recalled.

"That's all?"

"At first yes." Viserys agreed. "I had originally intended to fly Balerion to Dragonstone. However, fearing the dragon lacked the strength to do so at the time. It was your mother that convinced me to fly him home to dragonstone."

"You werent a rider long." Aemond whispered.

"The maesters were right, Balerion was old, he died within a year of me claiming him as my mount." Viserys agreed. "But I never had that bond like Avalon does, like you do, you will have a dragon."

"Everyone keeps saying that but what if they're wrong? What if I never claim a dragon? What if–"

"Aemond. Listen to me. When Aegon was your age, he used to fuss over the same thing. He only acts like he does now to make up for it but before he has Sunfyre, he didnt want to be dragonless either." Viserys assured. Aemond blinked at him. "Daemon as well, he got his dragon and him and Avalon would be off riding without me and..." Viserys chuckled as the memory of them all so young. "But Daemon got Caraxes and things worked out for him. The right dragon will appear to you I believe that completely."

"Really?" Aemond countered. Viserys nodded giving him a hug.

"Dont worry my son your time will come."

"When though?" Aemond begged.

"Do not drive yourself mad with worry my boy. One day, I know you'll be a great dragonrider. Maybe the greatest dragonrider in the world. Just as you'll be a great fighter if you keep up your training. Just as I know you are already the smartest boy with your studies... what do you say we go to the library together? Work on your history?" Viserys requested.

"You will teach me?" Aemond questioned.

"I would love to." Viserys agreed.

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