15. Boys are Icky

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Jump then fall // Jaime Lannister x Jurassic world crossover!

Daemon tried to braid avalons hair. He really did. Her hair looked a mess. Avalon smiled up at him before looking in the mirror.

'Good, right love?'' Daemon questioned and avalon nodded kissing his cheek.

''Thank you Dae.'' Avalon said as she headed outside

''Must you always make our sister look like she has a birds nest on her head?'' Viserys questioned as avalon came up to him. Viserys touched the knotted hair. ''You cut it too did you? Dear God Daemon.'' Viserys muttered.

''I like it.'' Avalon assured touching her hair. She knew it was a mess but she knew her brothers were trying their best. Mother died when she was born and father died five years later of a broken heart. They had always taken care of her, raised her but as she got older and her hair grew longer Daemon had tried to help her keep it from her face. 

It was an adjustment for all of them. Avalon knew they were trying. She also knew they had no idea how to raise a girl but they had been trying since she was born. But she loved them so very much for trying their best. 

She didnt know any other way, Viserys, Daemon and herself were wonderful together, just the three of them... and Mouse of course. Avalon didnt know that things were different at dragonstone from other homes. When people spoke of her mother, said how much she looked like Alyssa, how she had Alyssa's spirit Avalon didnt know how to answer that. She stared back at them for a long time. How was she supposed to know what to say? She had never gotten the chance to meet her mother and her father didnt want anything to do with her. 

Viserys had to tell her it was a compliment and everyone loved their mother and she would have loved Avalon so much. 

Viserys touched Avalon's hair as he shook his head as started brushing out her hair.

"Ouch." Avalon said as her head jerked back.

"I'm sorry love, Daemon made a mess of your beautiful hair." Viserys told her.

"She didnt complain this much when I was doing her hair." Daemon said confidently.

"I'm not complaining." Avalon assured.

"You made a mess of it, I'm trying to fix it." Viserys corrected.

"She liked it!" Daemon declared.

"She was being nice, because Avalon is a little angel." Viserys corrected. "She didnt like it."

"Avalon love?" Daemon questioned and Avalon smiled sheepishly up at him. "I'm trying love, i'm sorry." Daemon told her.

"I know." Avalon assured.


"why does Viserys always get story time?" Daemon questioned. "You know I have a much better voice than him too." Daemon added when he walked in on their nightly ritual.

"You have to make it a good story, Dae." Avalon warned.

"I guarantee it is going to be better than Viserys." Daemon told her confidently. Avalon always found it funny that her brothers wanted to compete for her attention and love, who the favorite was.

"Good on, impress her. I warn you, she only like dragon stories." Viserys told him.

"Are there any other stories?" Avalon countered.

"Alright," Daemon agreed flopping down on the bed he leaned against her and she laughed out.

"Daemon I cant breathe! You are squishing me!' Avalon declared and Daemon jumped up pulling her to his chest. She laughed out as he trapped her in his arms.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now