66. Generous

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Avalon was sore and in pain, her whole body ached. But she was alive, and considering how little Aemond was she was surprised that he was such a pain to get out but now that he was out and in the real world she couldnt imagine life before Aemond. 

She brought Aemond with her everywhere, when he napped he was in her line of sight, when he ate, he was connected to her teat. When she was with Alyssa and Aegon he was strapped to her chest sleeping or watching his siblings. 

Viserys was glad to see Avalon back on her feet and smiling again, he figured it was similar to how she felt when he was on bed rest and isolating. When she was on that birthing bed she was an anxious mess, terrified and this time Viserys was worried himself. He hated her death declarations. He loved her so much and when she was giving birth that was a pain and fear he couldnt take from her. But now she was as good as new and Aemond was her favorite little boy already. Aegon was being such a good big brother and Alyssa kept bringing him little gifts of lady bugs and caterpillars.


Avalon was getting things ready for the orphanage clothes and shoes, the cooks were baking their best dishes, Avalon smiled down at her Aemond and promised him that he would never know what it was like to be unloved. Promised to tell him how loved and wonderful he is, he would always have a warm bed to fall asleep in, a roof over his head, shoes on his feet and a hot meal in his stomach. 

It broke her heart that so many people just outside their doors were hurting when the ladies and lords of court lived so lavishly. 

Avalon strapped Aemond to her chest and headed down with Aegon, he helped pass out toys and the children all got new clothes and shoes and a feast like never before. 

"Thank you, your grace." The woman in charge, Matilda declared as the kids filled up on food. Moans of enjoyment left their mouths with every bite. 

"Of course, of course, I saw some of the children when I was..." Riding in a carriage because I am the queen, Avalon thought this disgust. Here these kids were happy to get food and shoes and she was living in a castle and complaining to herself that the women of court were awful when these children had real problems. 

"You are so beautiful your grace." Matila remarked fondly. "and your babe too."

"This is a fun toy, you whack it!" Aegon was telling another little boy. 

"Thank you, you are too kind." Avalon answered. "Tell me, do all these children have beds here?" 

"Yes, they are lined up in the main chambers. Thank you for sending ahead the old beds from the castle." Matila remarked. 

"Oh of course, you wouldnt believe what most people would just throw out. Perfectly good things." Avalon added. 

"Yes, after word got around that you were helping us more people donated a while back, but of course they move on to the next fad." 

"Of course, because they have to stay up on the tends of the capital, not the people in them." Avalon agreed softly as she shook her head, her lips pursed. 

"I'm glad the capital has a woman like you in charge, looking out for the little guys." Matila declared. 

"I wish I could do more." 

"You do more than the rest of them combined." Matila assured. "Besides you have a newborn, little princes are hard to take care of. They require extra attention I'm sure."

"Yes, I havent been able to let him out of my sight." Avalon agreed. "So this little adventure today was good... I want Aegon to grow up to be a kind boy and understand the value of hard work, to know that he is very lucky to be in his position... to know that there are others that have less, so much less and hopefully he will learn to be giving and compassionate to those less fortunate then himself." Avalon remarked. 

"Thats a beautiful thought. With you as his mother I have no doubt your children will grow to be as generous and compassionate as yourself."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now