9. Cloud Catching

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A place in this world// Helaena Targaryen out now!!

"Really!" Avalon couldnt believe her ears. 

"Mouse is certainly ready." Viserys remarked. 

"REALLY!'' Avalon squealed out. 

"For the record, I wanted to take you flying for years." Daemon remarked. 

"You are almost five, and very mature, very responsible..." Viserys remarked. Avalon asked a few times and Viserys told her that when it was time he would tell her. She nodded in understanding and didnt ask Viserys again. But he heard her talking to Mouse. 

"One day, we will both be ready." Avalon would tell Mouse. "But Vis is very smart and he hasnt agreed yet." Avalon would tell mouse as she ran a hand over his scales. "I know, it's not fun to wait." Avalon remarked. "But I trust Vis. You trust me..." 

Now was the day and Avalon's face was one of awe. 

"MOUSE!" Avalon declared hugging Mouse tight before hugging Viserys. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!' Avalon repeated clinging to Viserys.

"Where is my hug?" Daemon countered stepping away from Caraxes. 

"I don't know." Avalon teased as daemon grabbed her pulling her to him. "I can't hug you upside down!" Avalon declared through giggles. 

"Alright, alright." Daemon agreed and put her back on her feet, she ran back to Viserys. "stinker butt." Daemon declared. 

"Can we go now!" Avalon begged. 

"You promise to stay closer to us?" Viserys asked. 

"I promise, I promise, I will be good, Mouse you promise too right?" Avalon asked Mouse stared back at them. "He promised too." Avalon assured. Daemon chuckled leading Caraxes out. 

"Alright, lets get you up." Daemon said giving her a hand up. "How does it feel?" Daemon asked as she stared down at him, giddy as she bit at her lip unable to contain her excitement.

"AHHH!" Avalon declared not having words. 

"Best get ready then." Daemon agreed. "You coming brother? Or do you have a wedding to plan?" Viserys rolled his eyes. 

"You holding on tight Avalon?" Viserys asked leading Mouse out of the dragon pit. 

"Yes." Avalon agreed gripping tight to the reigns. She lifted her hands to prove it. 

"Good girl." Viserys agreed. "You hold tight. If something doesn't feel right, you tell us and we get you." Viserys told her as Daemon marched out on Caraxes. 

"Okay." Avalon agreed, her smile so big as she hands gripped tight. 

"Balerion." Viserys remarked pulling himself up. Balerion was his grandfathers dragon and in Jaehaerys old age he wasnt fit to ride, said if Viserys wanted him, Viserys could claim him for himself, Viserys could have the old beast. Balerion was old and Viserys although a dragonrider, he didnt have that need or rush like Daemon did. Like he knew from that smile on Avalon's face that she would. 

"Ready gorgeous?" Daemon asked and Avalon nodded. 

"You know the word?" Viserys asked. "To fly?" Avalon's face scrunched up as she thought about it. 

"Ssssss-" Avalon began. 

"Are you a snake?" Daemon teased. 

"I'm thinking!" Avalon declared. 

"You got this." Viserys assured. "Daemon, be patient, you were a terror, Avalon has already surpassed you in all her studies compared to you at her age." Daemon scoffed. 

"I was great." Daemon countered. 

"I'M THINKING!" Avalon declared her eyes pinched closed. "S, it starts with S!" Avalon told them. 

"It does." Daemon agreed. "SSSSS, snake!" 

"Snake!" Avalon declared before pouting back at Daemon. "That's not right." Avalon told him. 

"My mistake." Daemon chuckled leaning back on Caraxes. 

"Sove... So-gone!" Avalon declared and Mouse took off. Daemon doubled over in laughter. 

''Sōvegon.'' viserys corrected as Balerion took off. 

"So-gone!" Daemon declared laughing. Caraxes stared back at him confused. "Sōvegon." Daemon demanded. "Why is it that Avalon can say all the wrong words and Mouse understands what she means yet this big lug doesnt?"

"Avalon has a connection with them." Viserys offered. 

"And we don't?" Daemon countered. 

"Avalon, hold tight!" Viserys called as Daemon swooped up next to her. She gripped the reigns as she looked over at Daemon. 

"Do as I do." Daemon told her. "Alright?" Avalon considered that. "Would I steer you wrong?"

"I don't think so." Avalon admitted. 

"There you go." Daemon agreed, his gaze drifting to Viserys flying below them. "Alright, one hand." Daemon said lifting a hand up and Avalon stared at him before looking to her hands gripping the reigns tightly. 

"No." Avalon told him. "Vis said-"

"Trust me. Trust your favorite brother." Daemon instructed. "One hand." Avalon looked at her hands again before loosening her grip a bit. "Come on Avalon..." Daemon coed. "Just one... One hand." Avalon let go but gripped tighter with the opposite hand. "Lift it up and touch the clouds." Daemon declared and she watched him as he seemed to grasp the clouds. Avalon's eyes drifted around before reaching up, her fingers touching the clouds. 

"oh." Avalon said pulling her hand back to herself. She looked at her hand expecting it to be white with clouds but she didnt see anything. She did it again touching the clouds and looking to her hand. Then she reached out and grabbed a clump of cloud certain she got it but she opened her fist to see it empty as well. 

"Daemon!" Avalon declared. "I can't catch the clouds." Daemon chuckled. 

"Well, you need two hands for that." Daemon assured. Without a second thought Avalon let go and reached both hands up trying to trap the clouds between her hands. 

"Avalon!" Viserys declared. 

"I'm catching clouds!" Avalon called back to him. "Daemon it didnt work!" Avalon declared. "What am I doing wrong!" 

"Try again." Daemon encouraged. 

"AVALON HOLD ON!" Viserys begged. 

"VIS!" She shouted down. "I'M CLOUD CATCHING!" 

"DAEMON!" Viserys seethed. 

"Cloud catching." Daemon repeated. 

"It's not... working." Avalon said annoyed as she kept reaching out and grabbing at the clouds. 

"We are not high enough." Daemon remarked. 

"Up! UP! UP!" Avalon told Mouse. Daemon watched them get higher. 

"I don't understand how he understands her soo well." Daemon murmured following them up and Avalon giggled out as they burst through a cloud.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now