68. Mini Dav

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Davina loved babies. She would never admit it but she had baby fever whenever she visited Avalon in the castle and Avalon's most recent baby was her favorite.

"Hes perfect."  Davina declared.

"Of course he is... hey Dav, When are you going to get married settle down kids of your own?" Avalon pondered

"Never" she answered immediately "that's not for me. Not the life I want."

"Are you sure because you and him and look so adorable together" Avalon corrected.

"I am confident..." But that look and Davina's eyes was not confident it held wonder and adoration for the little bundle snuggled in her arms.

"I was going to paint his room give it some Targaryen flare" Avalon remarked "you could help me. "

"I would like that". Davina agreed.

Green grass, ocean waves, puffs of fire and dragons soared over Aemonds room.

"I didn't realize you could paint like this" Avalon remarked that she looked around

"Hidden talent ." Davina offered with a shrug "I also took a few notes from Taelon he is a jerk that I need to one up him and he taught me a thing or two."

"You and Taelon?" Avalon waggled her eyebrows back at her.

"Not like that." she grumbled

Davina was so talented. Avalon watched her work as she plucked at the ukulele tuning it for Alyssa to sing to the butterflies.

Avalon did a few strums as Davina wiped her hands taking a step back. Aegon ran in just in time. Alyssa

"Mine next!" Aegon declared.

"You think he likes it?" Davina questioned with a laugh. Aegons gaze shifted around the room before poking a finger at the wall.

"Sea turtle here please." Aegon instructed.

"You know this isnt your room right?" Davina sassed.

"Im right though." Aegon countered before running back out. Davina stared at the spot where he stood before looking to Avalon.

"Manners." Was all Avalon had to say as she got up and started mixing colors to get a few shades of green. "He is right though we need a sea turtle." Davina glanced to the door as she heard aegons little footsteps.

"A mama-" aegon looked at Avalon on the ground "- and baby sea turtle." Aegon clarified.

"Aegon lovey!" Avalon called out and Aegon peered in smiling back at her. "What do you say to your aunt Davina for all her hard work?" Aegon looked to Davina.

"Good job. Looks great." Aegon declared.

"And?" Avalon prompted. 

"And..." Aegon sighed thinking that over. "oh!" he declared and Davina chuckled. "A sting ray! Flying! Out of the water! Right here!" he jumped up a big smile on his face.

"You are lucky you are cute." Davina informed him. 

"Tell your aunt thank you." Avalon requested.

"This isnt my room." Aegon corrected as he headed out. 

"You know, he is right." Avalon remarked as she glanced to Davina. "But he gets your attitude somehow... think of it, a mini Dav!"

"Dont look at me like that. I dont want children. Your children just prove how much I dont want them. when I am craving little people I come to you." Davina corrected.

"It would fun to have one of your own." Avalon corrected. "Then you could stay, put in roots at the capital or dragonstone and-"

"Fun for who?" Davina corrected. "You know what its like to harbor a human in your body for nine fucking moons." Davina declared popping open another bottle of wine. "The day the man can carry the babe, then I reconsider it." Avalon raised her hands in surrender. "What?"

"I'm just picturing a mini Dav!" Avalon declared. 

"Gods help the world if that day ever comes."

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