25. Stark

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Avalon had her own royal tour and was gone moons, she liked to travel, meeting new people, seeing new lands, it was an experiance but she didnt like meeting endless men from as old as her own grandfather was before he passed to boys of 10, although adorable she couldnt see herself married to anyone. Her guard Rickard Stark was less than pleased with her matches.

Avalon glanced over at him as a Wentworth was dismissed she offered kind smiles but knew her future husband was not in this room.

''You know your brother doesnt want you married off.'' Rickard reminded her and avalon nodded. ''This is just for show" he whispered. "You can reject every single one of them and the king would be grateful to have his baby sister back at the capital.''

''I know.'' Avalon agreed sweetly. ''Im glad you are here though. ''

Barney Baratheon spoke loudly but avalon wasnt listening she offered a smile but spoke softly to Rickard.

''He looks a bit like a bear.'' Avalon remarked and rickard chuckled.

''That he does princess.'' Rickard agreed.

''What are we having for lunch?'' Avalon questioned

''You must have the highest metabolism ever princess,'' rickard mused

''Why do you say that?'' Avalon questioned leaning into him

''Because you eat more than my men do and you are still a little thing.'' Rickard mused.

''I am constantly on the move.'' Avalon countered ''I can't be my wonderful cheery self if I do not have at least five meals. Half sugar of course.''

''Your veins must be filled with sugar.'' Rickard mused as Titus lannister stepped forward.

''What are we having?''

''I think they are making Rabbit stew.'' rickard told her avalons face scrunched up. ''I know. I think we head north they prepare a proper feast for you at winterfell.''

''Saving my life yet again Rickard.''


Avalon always thought that Winterfell was the most beautiful. She was cold, freezing her tits off but it was so beautiful. Rickard thought the princess would do good here, would like it, Mouse would certainly provide some good heat on cold nights.

''You know princess I have a younger brother. Brandon.'' Rickard remarked and Avalon smirked.

''Rickard are you trying to set me up?'' Avalon mused taking a bit of the pot roast.

''Just a thought.'' Rickard said innocently. ''Hes nice skilled and strong has my good looks too.'' Rickard told her and avalon laughed.

''I would love to meet him but like you said Viserys doesnt really want me married so im going home as single as i left.'' Avalon reminded him.

"Alright, well if you change your mind, we would love to have you here." Rickard told her.

"You trying to tell me you want leave to spend time with your family rickard?" Avalon questioned licking the roast from her lips.

"You are family too." Rickard reminded her.

"If you want leave, its no problem. You may take it whenever you please. You have served me well over the years." Avalon told him and Rickard loved that about Avalon, she was always so sweet, thought about everyone else. "I would miss you though but I understand if you miss home, I would miss this place. It is beautiful."

"Brandon!" Rickard called with a wink to Avalon. "Meet the princess Avalon."

"Princess." Brandon said kindly as he kissed her hand. "You are as beautiful as they say."

"Flattery will get you everywhere." Avalon mused. "It is nice to meet you, all of you. Rickard talks so fondly about his family, I can see why."

"You are too kind." Brandon told her.

"Brandon, woe the princess while I talk to father." Rickard requested getting up. Avalon stuck her tongue out at him. "You will thank me later." Rickard teased as he pat brandons back.

"Want a tour princess?" Brandon asked and Avalon nodded as he offered her a hand up. Brandon was handsome, there was something about northern men that Avalon found very appealing. They were rugged but charming and handsome and had that smile. At least stark men did. Avalon was having a wonderful time, actually started thinking what if winterfell could be her home but Mouse didn't like it here.

"Mouse!" Avalon declared running forward.

"Shit." Brandon muttered chasing after her.

"Mouse stop it. Heel... good boy." Avalon coed.

"You brought your dragon." Brandon said amazed. "Rickard told me about Mouse was it?" Avalon nodded.

"I'm sorry, he doesn't like the cold, he was just..." Avalon looked at the burning trees the smoke rising around them. "I'm so sorry."

"Just trees, we got plenty of them in the Godswood." Brandon told her breezily.

"I think we should be headed back soon before he takes his frustration out on something more alive." Avalon remarked.

"Let me walk you back." Brandon suggested. "We can get rickard."

"I'm sorry again." Avalon repeated rubbing a hand over Mouses leg. She looked back at Brandon he was staring amazed at Mouse. "You want to pet him? Hes not violent... not usually." Avalon corrected. "He wont hurt you." Brandon took a hesitant step forward and Mouse looked to him but Avalon kept telling him he was a good boy, rubbing his leg, scratching his scales with her nails. "It's alright... give me your hand." Avalon requested and Brandon extended his hand she took it in his and put it on mouses leg. Mouse settled on the ground a hot breath expelled from his lungs.

"Amazing." Brandon whispered but he looked down at Avalon she smiled up at him as his lips collided with hers. It wasn't her first kiss but it made her heart race. Brandon pulled away but Avalon kept a hold of his hand. Keeping him with her.

''If you want me to stop, tell me now." Brandon whispered. When Avalon said nothing Brandon brushed his lips against the hollow of her temple, "Or now..." He traced a finger along Avalon's cheek and a smile crept onto her face. "Or now." Brandon's lips were on hers again as she pulled him closer.


When they got back to winterfell though Rickard looked pale, his face pinched as he looked to Brandon and Avalon all smiles.

"What's wrong brother?" Brandon asked.

"It's father... he died." Rickard told him.

"What?" Brandon questioned.

"Oh, Rickard im so sorry." Avalon said moving away from Brandon.

"He seemed fine..." Rickard said in a daze as Avalon hugged him. "I'm... I'm the lord of winterfell now." Rickard remarked slowly. "Princess-''

"I'm so sorry, RIckard." Avalon told him.

"I can't come back to the capital-" RIckard remarked.

"Don't worry, you are right where you need to be." Avalon told him softly. "You will make a wonderful lord of winterfell. I know it." Brandon rushed past them to go to his fathers chambers.

"You two seemed happy and I ruined it." Rickard remarked.

"Stop that... what can I do? How can I help?" Avalon requested.

Avalon obviously didn't marry Brandon and Rickard stayed at Winterfell as the new lord of winterfell, Avalon flew home to Daemon.

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