108. Snagging a Queen

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"You know I kissed your uncle Brandon." Avalon remarked and Cregan tipped back in his chair laughing. 

"Oh trust me, he tells that story all the time." Cregan agreed. 

"Does he?" Avalon laughed out. 

"He is very proud of himself always snagging a queen." Cregan agreed. 


"He is usually a little bit drunk when he tells the tale. I dont know how much of it true." Cregan offered. "But you are beautiful your grace." 

"Thank you, you are too kind."

"Would you tell me what happened all them years ago?" Cregan pondered. 

"Well I was on my tour and Rickard, I loved Rickard, he was the sweetest man." Avalon declared. "Just like you." Cregan brought a hand to his heart. "But he said something along the lines of winterfell has the best food, lets get out of here and oh yeah, by the way this is my brother Brandon, and he is single, imagine that." Cregan laughed out. 

"That sounds like father." Cregan agreed. 


 Rickard Stark was less than pleased with Avalon matches.

Avalon glanced over at him as a Wentworth was dismissed she offered kind smiles but knew her future husband was not in this room.

''You know your brother doesnt want you married off.'' Rickard reminded her and avalon nodded. ''This is just for show" he whispered. "You can reject every single one of them and the king would be grateful to have his baby sister back at the capital.''

''I know.'' Avalon agreed sweetly. ''Im glad you are here though. ''

Barney Baratheon spoke loudly but avalon wasnt listening she offered a smile but spoke softly to Rickard.

''He looks a bit like a bear.'' Avalon remarked and rickard chuckled.

''That he does princess.'' Rickard agreed.

''What are we having for lunch?'' Avalon questioned

''You must have the highest metabolism ever princess,'' rickard mused

''Why do you say that?'' Avalon questioned leaning into him

''Because you eat more than my men do and you are still a little thing.'' Rickard mused.

''I am constantly on the move.'' Avalon countered ''I can't be my wonderful cheery self if I do not have at least five meals. Half sugar of course.''

''Your veins must be filled with sugar.'' Rickard mused as Titus lannister stepped forward.

''What are we having?''

''I think they are making Rabbit stew.'' rickard told her avalons face scrunched up. ''I know. I think we head north they prepare a proper feast for you at winterfell.''

''Saving my life yet again Rickard.''


Avalon always thought that Winterfell was the most beautiful. She was cold, freezing her tits off but it was so beautiful. Rickard thought the princess would do good here, would like it, Mouse would certainly provide some good heat on cold nights.

''You know princess I have a younger brother. Brandon.'' Rickard remarked and Avalon smirked.

''Rickard are you trying to set me up?'' Avalon mused taking a bit of the pot roast.

''Just a thought.'' Rickard said innocently. ''Hes nice skilled and strong has my good looks too.'' Rickard told her and avalon laughed.

''I would love to meet him but like you said Viserys doesnt really want me married so im going home as single as i left.'' Avalon reminded him.

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