7. Butterfly

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Daemon could watch Avalon all day and never get bored. It was fascinating how facinated she was with everything. Today it was butterflies.

They flew around an orb of light trying to catch something they never would. Grasping at light and joy and goodness. But they were tainted by the world so only fluttered brushing against it never able to hold it.

Avalon sat and stared Mouse in her lap. She didnt touch them or try to bother them on their impossible journey she just stared.

Daemon thought Avalon was an odd little thing. He didnt know how babies and toddlers were supposed to behave but certainly he thought none were as perfect as his Avalon.

Whenever Mouse snapped at the butterfly Avalon would pulled him back give him a tap on the nose and say:

"No Mouse. We dont hurt the little creatures of the world."

Mouse would stare up at her, settle in her lap again until a butterfly flew too close to him and he would snap his little jaws trying to catch it. Again Avalon would repeat.

"No Mouse. We dont hurt the little creatures of the world."

" i dont know who is having more fun

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" i dont know who is having more fun. You or Avalon." Viserys remarked coming into the study and blowing out the remaining candles.

"Vis look. They like light." Avalon declared then one landed on her nose and Avalon froze. She stared at it her eyes crossing to see it better as she didnt want to scare it.

"Chasing sunshine." Viserys remarked.

"Im not sunshine im a girl." Avalon corrected her lips barely moving because she didnt want to scare the butterfly.

"Of course, what was I thinking?" Viserys teased. 

"I honestly don't know." Avalon told him seriously. "OH!" she declared as another landed on her. "Are... you... looking?" She whispered to Daemon and Viserys. 

"I'm looking," Viserys agreed. 

"Okay..." Avalon said slowly. "Dae?"

"I see." Daemon agreed. 

"Okay..." Avalon agreed her eyes flickering between the one of her nose and the other clinging to her hair. Mouse spun around snapping at them and they flew away, Mouse chased after them flying slightly off the ground before running after them. 

"MOUSE!" Avalon declared pulling herself up. "We had this discussion already!" 

"She does realize that Mouse is going to eat sheep, horses, animals of all sorts." Daemon remarked leaning back on his palms as Avalon chased after Mouse. 

"I don't think she does." Viserys corrected. 

"Who's gonna tell her?" Daemon mused and Viserys looked to him. "NOT IT!" Daemon declared as Viserys opened his mouth. 

"Such a cheat." Viserys murmured. 

"You meet your betrothed yet?" Daemon teased as he tipped his head back to watch Avalon still calling for Mouse to leave the butterflies alone. 

"Aemma Arryn." Viserys told him. 

"I know who she is, you have been engaged for a year, when are you getting to the fun parts of being married?" Daemon mused. 

"Fun parts?" viserys countered and Daemon smirked rolling his shoulders. "You are a child. You should not be thinking of such things." Viserys countered. 

"I'm almost nine." Daemon countered. 

"A child." Viserys agreed. 

"Avalon is a child, I'm one step away from-"

"NOTHING!" Viserys shouted. "Please, no. Mother would be so disappointed if you have bastards running around before your tenth name day."

"I don't want children." Daemon countered. "But the other guys at the tourney talk about it." Daemon remarked and Viserys ran a hand over his face as he let out a deep breath. 

"I still think you are too young for competing." 

"Mother didnt." Daemon countered. 

"Mother wasnt one for rules." Viserys agreed. "But I am and while father is at the capital-"

"I don't think having a kid would be that bad." Daemon remarked. "If they are all like Avalon that is."

"They are not.' Viserys corrected. "You were not."

"I was great." Daemon countered as Avalon ran back stumbling into Daemon, Mouse clutched in her arms. "Right Avalon, Dae is the greatest!" Daemon declared tickling at her ribs. She giggled out as she let Mouse go. 

"You were a terror. Avalon is an angel. No child will ever compare to our Avalon." Viserys told him confidently. 

"I'm an angel?" Avalon asked. "Angels can fly, can I fly?" Avalon said getting up. 

"NO!" Both Daemon and Viserys declared as Daemon pulled her back into him.

"But-" Avalon began. 

"You did it Viserys, Avalon is going to jump out the window." Daemon remarked. 

"Can I?" Avalon asked looking back at Daemon. 

"NO!" They both shouted again. 

"Fly?" Avalon asked confused, her brow furrowed as she looked between them. 

"No!" They said again. Avalon brought her hands to her ears. 

"Why are you yelling?" Avalon asked still covering her ears. "So loud. So loud." Viserys moved forward pulling her hands from her ears. 

"Sorry love." Viserys whispered kissing her cheek. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now