26. Eager to Taint You

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My tears ricochet // Alicent Hightower out now!!

When Avalon got back from her tour of course she went to see her brother and her niece but she had found she liked traveling and exploring. 

She ravened her cousin Davina and asked if she could join her over seas for a trip. Davina was a skilled flyer and trained warrior. Avalon was a lover not a fighter but she was a skilled flyer. 

Davina didnt write back but instead showed up at Dragonstone all too eager to taint Avalon and show her the pleasures and glory of life outside the castle walls. Avalon had wrote to Viserys and said she would be home soon and tell him all about it. 

Davina told her that was a lie and she was going to be held hostage across the narrow sea until Avalon never wanted to come home. 

Daemon had begged to come but Davina put her foot down saying it was a girls trip and no loser brothers allowed. Avalon kissed his cheek before heading off. 

It hurt more than both Daemon and Viserys had thought. Viserys hoped the Avalon would stay forever when she got back from her tour but she was gone for moons. He thought maybe she was falling in love. He was happy for her but Avalon was his. He didnt like the idea of sharing her with anyone. 

It was the councils idea and now instead of settling down Avalon was flying across the narrow sea with their cousin. Their dramatic and crazy cousin who had a habit of burning first and asking questions never. 

Daemon didnt like it. He wanted to go with. He didnt like his wife, stayed away from runestone. When Avalon got back he had plans, he was going to marry Avalon and claim her as his second wife. But he would have loved Avalon. 

After their kiss and then his lips roaming over her chest. He had hoped Avalon would come back and want him completely and fully. Demand for his cock and he would love her all night long. 

But no, she came back went to Viserys first then came to dragonstone with the plan to leave him, yet again. With Davina of all people. 

Daemon hoped she would get bored and come back, need him, want him, love him.

But Avalon was loving the adventure. 

Davina smirked as man from braavos bought Avalon a drink and Avalon leaned into the bar smiling back at him. 

Westeros was a sham. Davina knew that completely that was why she left. She didnt want that, she wanted love and adventure. She took avalon everywhere. She brought Avalon to Lys. Met the self proclaimed king and his sons. 

Davina nudged Avalon forward as one of the men grabbed her hand spinning her around. 

"I'm Tommen." he said holding Avalon to him. 

"Avalon." She answered softly. 

"You are so beautiful." Tommen told her and Avalon blushed but he brought a hand up to her chin to keep her from  hiding her blush. "Don't hide from me, beautiful. I want to see you." 

Avalon didnt know what came over her but she kissed him. 

Davina hooted out as Tommen pulled Avalon closer. 

"That's my girl! Get it!" Davina declared proudly. "Can you believe she couldnt talk to men a few years ago and now she is snogging your brother." Davina declared. 

"You want to snog me too?" John questioned. 

"More than a kiss." Davina agreed grabbing his shirt and pulling him with her. Avalon wasnt that adventurous. Kissing Tommen was more than enough for her. There was something about a kiss, exploring through lips and touch that Avalon quite liked. 


"You have fun last night?" Davina questioned. 

"I did." Avalon agreed. "Tommen told me about the stars, Viserys used to do that." Avalon remarked. "They used to tell my stories about dragons when I was little." 

"Did you..." Davina waggled her eyebrows.

"Did you ever meet my mother?" Avalon countered. 

"I was hoping to corrupt you." Davina teased. Avalon stared back at her waiting for an answer. "Yeah, I met her once." Davina agreed. "she was pretty, you look like her a little bit from what I remember." Davina remarked. "She was pregnant when I met her."

"Vis said she liked the stars." Avalon remarked. 

"She was so excited to meet you." Davina recalled. "She said she wanted a girl. Said she had a dream. Said she-you were going to be perfect. She loved already."

"I used to be confused, when people said I looked like her, when they said I was like her, that she loved me." Avalon admitted. "But now that I'm older I want to know her, I want someone..."

"You didnt have a woman in your life. You had your brothers," Davina agreed. 

"I love my brothers, they did such a good job raising me. I love them so much." Avalon assured. "But there are something you just dont tell your brothers." she added softly. 

"Like?" Davina urged. Avalon hesitated a long moment as she stared out over the seas.

"I think its time to go home." Avalon remarked. "I miss my brothers. It's time to go home."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now