34. Feel It

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Only the young// Rickon Stark out now!!

Avalon ravened Daemon again but didnt get a response.

Daemon had stared down at the scroll once again. He felt awful but he couldnt. He couldnt raven her back. He couldnt see her. He couldnt meet the little boy she birthed with Viserys. He couldnt because Avalon wasnt his anymore.

"Your sister?" Corlys pondered.

"My sister." Daemon agreed.

"She had a son, an heir." Corlys remarked. "Aegon they named him."

"I know." Daemon grit back.

"Have you talked to her at all?"

"Are we fighting a war of talking of Avalon?" Daemon spat back.

"We can do both." Corlys offered.

"YOu and I are not friends." Daemon reminded him.

"You loved Avalon. I just dont understand why you would run from her." Corlys offered.

"I love Avalon." Daemon corrected. "I love her. She is my world but I can't... I cant be there with her in love with Viserys." Daemon hissed. "Are you going to avoid her forever?"

"No." Daemon corrected. "I couldnt do that to my avalon."


"La, la, la, La, la, la." Avalon sung out as Aegon smiled back at her. "My handsome strong boy you are." Aegon babbled tipping back into the couch. Avalon made faces back at him as he giggled out.

She couldnt believe she was so worried about giving birth, she got this little tiny human, that she loved so much. He was hers, she made him. That was just amazing. Her body did that. Created a little person which grew and became a bigger little person. Aegon still amazed her.

"Mother would have been so proud of you Avalon." Viserys remarked. "She would have loved to see the woman you became."

"I couldnt do this without you Vis." Avalon whispered leaning into him. "I wish I could have met mum. Seen what it was like to be... a good mum like she was. So I would know."

"You are already doing amazing. Aegon loves you. He loves you so much. You do well with him mother would be so proud as I am." Viserys assured her.

"Thank you viserys. For saying that." Avalon declared. "Im proud of you too you know"

"Oh are you?"

"Yes. Very much so." Viserys smiled leaning into her touch. There was something so peaceful about his Avalon.


"Come on I have a surprise for you my love." Viserys declared bringing her outside. "Close your eyes."

"Then I cannot see the surprise." Avalon corrected.

"Trust me." Viserys requested

"I trust you." Avalon assured.

"Ohh!" Aegon declared from Avalons arms and her eyes popped open.

"Oh Vis! Look at this place!" Avalon declared fondly.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" Viserys corrected as Avalon laughed out.

"Oh Vis this place is beautiful!"

"Ohh!" Aegon coed swatting a hand around

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"Ohh!" Aegon coed swatting a hand around. "Ohh!"  Avalon laughed out still as Aegon smiled around.

"Ohh indeed my little love."  a smile covered her face as she looked around. It was truly a perfect day. 

"I love that smile Avalon. I always have." Viserys remarked touching her cheek.  She leaned into his touch. 

"I love it when its just us. None of the fuss of the guards." Avalon remarked. "Aegon look, a little water fall... we can go for a swim when you are bigger." Aegon tipped his head into her. 

"Just us." Viserys agreed. It was strange to think that he remembered Avalon at this age. But he was on the brink of starting his own family, promised to Aemma when everything happened. Now looking at Avalon, his precious Avalon, his wife holding their child. Avalon smiled back at him as Aegon shivered a breeze blowing through the trees. Viserys watched as Avalon seemed almost hypnotized by something in the air. Viserys followed her gaze as Avalon kissed Aegon's head. 

"What do you see Avalon?" Viserys questioned wrapping his cloak around them. 

"I can't see it... I feel it." Avalon corrected reaching a hand out and clasping it around the air.  "Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now