120. Alyssum

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Daemon shirtless,- sexy man that he was- that was enough to make most women weak. But add not one but two sleeping babies in his arms. Avalon didnt realize it but she was biting her lip, her eyes on him. How did she get so lucky. Daemon smirked back at her putting Draco down and then Kaida.

Her tongue slid across her crimson lips before digging her teeth into the lush flesh again as he walked towards her. Unable to keep his hands at his side any longer, he pushed into dangerous territory. Considering they had a party to get to. He slid his hand along her neck, forcing her chin up with his thumb before dragging it across her lip, pulling it from her punishing bite.

"I can't wait to make a mess of your mouth." Daemon whispered against her. She nipped his thumb playfully. Avalon didnt say anything she just smiled her eyes closing as he kissed her feverishly. "Alyssa's party." Daemon realized when Avalon pulled away to finish getting ready.

"Yeah, put a shirt on for that. I dont like how the other women stare at you enough as is it. Without a shirt I'm sure they would pounce on you." Avalon declared.

"You are the only woman I want pouncing on me." Daemon assured.

"Come on, party time. I can't believe my baby girl is so grown up." Avalon declared. 

Alyssum flower, Daemon tracked one down to Alyssa's name day.  Gyawne Hightower, Alicent's elder brother came up from old town with a selection of flowers for Alyssa on Daemon and Alicent's request. Their cousin Newt came with them as well. 

"Oh uncle Daemon thank you!" Alyssa declared hugging him. 

"Glad you like it." Daemon answered. 

"Making my gifts look sup par." Avalon mused kissing Daemon's cheek. 

"You gave life to her, thats the best gift." Daemon assured. 

Avalon looked to Jace and Luke as they ran around with Daeron. Frosting smeared on their faces. Joffrey crawled after them but kept grumbling when people almost stepped on him. Avalon moved through the crowd picking him up. 

"Joffrey honey are you missing out on the fun?" Avalon coed. His third name day party would be coming up but that wasnt old enough to hang out with his elder brothers it seemed. 

"Ma," Joffrey whined leaning into her. 

"You dance with my instead?" Avalon questioned kissing his little face all over. "Pretty please?" 

"O... kay," Joffrey agreed. She put him down and held his hands he stood on her feet and Joffrey laughed out as he moved with her, on her feet. 

Alyssa gasped out grabbing daemons arm. He stared back at her confused.

"Whats wrong?"

"Who is that man?" Alyssa questioned.

"Looks like a lot of green so hightower." Daemon offered.

"Auntie Alicents brother?"

"No. To young to be a brother." Daemon corrected, considering Otto and Hobert were very dead. 

"Find out for me." Alyssa requested

"Am i your raven?" Daemon countered looking down at her. 

"Yes. Please and thank you!" Alyssa added.

"Your mother couldnt talk to boys either at your age." Daemon remarked as he headed off.

"Prince Daemon-"

"King." Daemon corrected

"Yes but I like that look you get when i say it wrong." Criston teased.

"Careful boy. Avalon likes you. I tolerate you." Daemon warned. Before turning his attention to Alicent. "Is that man and green related to you?" Alicent turned around following his finger. 

"Yes that's my cousin, Newt." she agreed "he came up from old town he brought Alyssa some new creatures as well." Alicent agreed.

"She wants to meet him maybe I don't know she told me to find out who he was." Daemon remarked.

"And like a good father you agreed." Alicent remarked fondly.

"Yeah yeah." Daemon grumbled

"Newt!" Alicent declared waving at him. "He is the sweetest," she assured.

"Well he better be if my girl likes him. " Daemon agreed. "Alyssa, come her name day girl." Alyssa ran to them when she saw Newt, he smiled sheepishly back at her. 

"Alyssa, this is my younger cousin, Newt." Alicent remarked. "Newt this is Princess Alyssa targaryen." He bowed before reaching for her hand pressing a delicate kiss to her soft skin. Alyssa's eyes went wide. 

"You are just as beautiful as in my dreams." Newt said softly. Alyssa's eyes went wide, he was the man from her dreams, was he dreaming of her too?

"Newt is a Entomologist and botanist." Alicent remarked.

"Whats-" daemon began

"You study insects and plants!" Alyssa declared with a  squeal of delight.

"I do." Newt agreed. 

"I thought Alyssa had a crush on Cregan?" Daeron questioned nodding to alyssa and newt.

"Cregan has a crush on mum." Aegon countered. Daerons face snapped around seeing cregan and avalon talking. She laughed touching his arm.

"Daemon is not going to like that." Daeron decided. 

"What arent i going to like?" Daemon countered. 

"Cregan and mum." Aegon answered bluntly. Daemon looked to them but Avalon's gaze pulled from Cregan and when she locked eyes on Daemon her smile grew wider. 

"He's just a friend." Daemon assured. "Avalon is mine."

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