8. Dragoness

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Untouchable // Daemon // Aemond x Jurassic Park crossover

"I thank you for being patient with us." Viserys remarked as Aemma and him walked the grounds. 

"Of course. Your mother passing and raising your little sister, it's a lot to handle, a big adjustment." Aemma assured. 

"Thank you." Viserys repeated as Avalon came running up a fish pole dragging behind her. 

"This must be the famous Avalon." Aemma remarked. 

"Am I famous?" Avalon asked Viserys her face in awe. 

"Of course you are." Viserys agreed as Aemma knelt before her. 

"I'm Aemma." 

"I'm Avalon but I guess if I'm famous you know that already." Avalon remarked and Aemma chuckled glancing back at Viserys. 

"What do you got there?" Aemma asked and Avalon had completely forgot about the fishing pole. 

"Oh, we fish?" Avalon asked looked to Viserys. 

"Later, alright love?" Viserys asked but Avalon stared back at him not liking that answer. 

"We fish?" Avalon asked again smiling up at him. 

"We could all fish." Aemma offered. Viserys nodded taking the pole from Avalon. 

"Alright Avalon, we all go together." Viserys agreed she spun around and put her hands around her mouth. 

"MOUSE!" Avalon called out. "FISH TIME!" She declared leaning forward as she shouted. 

"Mouse?" Aemma whispered to Viserys. 

"Her dragon." Viserys answered and Aemma watched a little dragon come racing down the path. Aemma knew of the Targaryen's dragons but seeing one running up the path towards them, charging, Aemma took a step back into Viserys. She wanted to grab Avalon and protect her but Avalon opened her arms out wide as Mouse shuffled to a stop nudging into her. 

"Her baby." Viserys assured. "Mouse is a sweet thing just like my Avalon."

"Ready." Avalon said patting Mouse's back as she walked to the boats. 

"Is the dragon-" Aemma began. 

"His name is Mouse." Avalon told her. "You want to know why!" Avalon smiled giddy up at Aemma. 

"I would love to." Aemma agreed. 

"Well he was so little, so little," Avalon began and she held up her hand fingers to the sky. "He fit on my fingers. Right here!" Avalon told her. "Can you believe that? So little." Avalon giggled at the memory as she continued to walk. "He was little like a mouse, a MOUSE!"  Mouse nudged her. "Yes, that's you. I'm talking about you." Avalon told him pressing a kiss to his head. "And I thought it was funny to name a dragon something so small!" Avalon laughed out as she grabbed Viserys hand. "Because now hes not small at all." Avalon informed Aemma as though she didnt realize how big mouse was right now. Walking down the path with them as though he was a dog and not a dragon. 

"Is Mouse going to fit in the boat?" Aemma asked. 

"Oh, don't be silly." Avalon told her. "Mouse swims and flies, if he gets tired though then he will." Avalon informed her seriously. 

Aemma looked to Viserys, concerned about a sinking boat. 

"Ready Avalon?" Viserys asked as she lifted her arms up and he placed her in the boat. He offered his hand for Aemma and she took it as she stepped in. 

"GO!" Avalon declared waving a hand over the water and Mouse took off, gliding it seemed on the surface of the water. 

"He listens to you well." Aemma remarked. 

"He better." Avalon told Aemma. "I spend hours with him. He comes with me to my studies and he used to sleep in bed with me but Vis said he's a little too big now." Avalon remarked. 

"What are you learning in your studies Avalon?" Aemma asked. 

"Numbers and letters and- OH! I know a few high Valerie!" Avalon told her.

"Velaryian." Viserys corrected with a chuckle. 

"Right, it's hard though." Avalon told her. "But I learned a fun one." Avalon got closer to Aemma in the boat. "You want to hear it?" Avalon whispered in Aemma's ear. Aemma glanced to Viserys. She wasnt sure why Avalon was trying to be sneaky but she nodded. 

"Of course." Aemma answered hesitantly. 

"MOUSE!" Avalon called out. 

"What is she-" Aemma began. 

"She doesnt know how to say it correctly." Viserys murmured. "It's fine." he assured. 

"What is she going to tell him to do?" Aemma asked as Mouse flew to them. 

"DRAGONESS!" Avalon declared. 

"Dragon fire." Viserys whispered. 

"MOUSE!" Avalon said standing up and rooting her hands on her hips. "I SAID-" she cleared her throat. "DRAGONESS!" 

Viserys chuckled but Mouse understood Avalon and he blew a blazing fire into the water making the fish jump up. Aemma faltered back leaning into Viserys while Avalon peered into the water a satisfied smile on her face. Mouse swooped down catching them. 

"My little Dragoness." Viserys remarked as Avalon turned back to him. 

"SEE?" Avalon said happily but Aemma looked a bit pale. "Oh... did I scare you?" Avalon asked taking small steps towards her. Avalon grabbed her hand. "It's okay. You're okay." Avalon assured, nodding reassuringly. "Mouse wouldnt hurt you. It's okay." She repeated. 

"Thank you Avalon." Aemma whispered. "I'm alright." Avalon nodded jumping up into Viserys lap. "So thoughtful you are princess." Aemma remarked. 

"Vis calls me an angel  but says im not allowed to fly." Avalon informed her as his hands wrapped around her, keeping her from falling over, as Avalon peered over the edge of the boat. 

"My little dragoness." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now