21. Pressure

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''Next order of business.'' Otto began as avalon carried the pitcher of wine. She liked being cup bearer because she got to be with her brother but she wasnt very good at it. She was small and slight and a but clumsy as a child. Daemon deemed her the cup spiller which she was trying very hard to prove him wrong, but she was living up to that title. 

''Sorry lord otto.'' Avalon remarked as she spilled on his pants. He hissed a complaint but Avalon looked up at him with those big doe eyes and he sighed.

''It's alright.'' Otto told her as she headed him a towel.

''Sorry.'' she whispered trying to be more careful. Of course as she got taller and more graceful with age and practice she was a better cup bearer and less of a cup spiller but then Rhaenyra took over the position and Avalon spent more time with Daemon.

But in the meantime Avalon was trying her best and if only one person got spilled on during a meeting she considered it a success.

"Auntie Avalon!" Rhaenyra declared running up to Avalon and hugging her tight. "Can we fly?" 

"Always." Avalon agreed. She looked to Viserys her lip caught between her teeth as she waited and he nodded smiling back at her. She grabbed Rhaenyra's hand and they set off. 

"Mum doesnt like when I fly." Rhaenyra whispered back to Avalon once they were in the air. 

"You tell me this once we up in the air?" Avalon declared laughing out. "Well, its too late to turn around now." 

"Really?" Rhaenyra asked. 

"No, we could but I don't want to." Avalon corrected. 

She loved her niece, she loved the capital, Mouse liked the capital too. 

Avalon liked being the cup bearer. She liked being near Viserys when he was doing his king thing. Avalon leaned into her brother as they discussed things she wasnt really understanding. But the cup bearer was supposed to be ignorant to conversations and only pay attention to the cups. 

Avalon reached out grabbing the large marble ball in front of viserys, tossing it in her hands. Otto watched her cautiously. Avalon noticed his stare and the ball slipped through her fingers. She watched it roll under the table. She moved to crawl under the table to get it but Viserys pulled her to him. Kissing her cheek. 

"Leave it." Viserys whispered hugging her tight. 

"Sorry." Avalon whispered. "Whats the point of the ball?" Otto cleared his throat trying to get Viserys attention. "I have been meaning to ask for forever." Avalon went on softly. Again otto tried to get the kings attention. 

"It is a sign of concentration and oaths. Loyalty, that when the ball is in its place we are to be present and confidential in our talks." Viserys informed her. 

"Concentration." Avalon agreed looking to Otto. "I think lord Otto wants your concentration." Avalon whispered. 

"Sorry, do continue." Viserys agreed, he stared ahead but his focus was elsewhere as Avalon drew little squiggles along his arm. She traced her fingers up and down his arm, making spirals and stars, writing invisible words in Velaryian. 

Viserys chuckled unable to focus as he tipped his head into Avalon's. 

"Perhaps we continue this another day?" Otto suggested.

"Yes." Viserys agreed immediately.

"Yes, I'm starving can we get cake?" Avalon agreed. 

"Always." Viserys agreed. 

He lifted Avalon up on the countered and her legs swung as he brought out a half eaten carrot cake. 

"Do we need a plate?" Viserys questioned and Avalon chuckled. "Right silly me." Viserys agreed holding out a fork. 

"thank you." Avalon said happily as she dug her fork in. "Hey Vis, is Aemma okay?"

"She... why do you ask love?" 

"She seems sad a lot." Avalon remarked. "I thought I was going to be an aunt again but..." She shrugged taking another bite. 

"That happens sometimes." Viserys remarked. "I'm confident she will have a good and full term for the next."

"It's a lot, its hurting her. Maybe you wait." Avalon suggested licking at her lips. 

"I think you are probably right." Viserys admitted. 

"Are you worried?" Avalon questioned. 

"About what my love?" 

"Not having any more children." Avalon clarified. 

"No, Aemma and I are young, plenty of time." Viserys corrected but Aemma had quite a few miscarriages and Viserys didnt understand why. They fell pregnant with Rhaenyra so quickly and every child since then it seemed harder and harder. More bloody. He wanted an heir, he needed an heir. As the years passed he assumed the people had wished they changed their votes to Rhaenys because she had a son, an heir. But Viserys was the king and he felt that pressure but staring back at Avalon he didnt see that pressure, he just saw love. He saw the one person in the whole world that he loved more than anyone, that could always make him feel better and he wanted Avalon to stay his little angel forever. To never grow up and not need him anymore. Because that day, the day she left and started a family of her own, somewhere far away, Viserys knew that would kill him.

"Okay," Avalon agreed. "You would tell me if you were right? We tell each other everything." Avalon reminded him. 

"We do." Viserys half agreed. "And if I'm worried my lovely I will tell you."

"Because I can fix it." Avalon assured confidently as she stabbed her fork in the cake again. 

"You can, no doubt about that." Viserys agreed. 

 "You got something right here." Avalon said flicking her fork out. She laughed and laughed as frosting covered his nose and cheeks. 

"Where?" Viserys mused. He loved that laugh, she was sunshine, no doubt in his mind, his little Avalon was the sun or a rainbow, something you never wanted to look away from. 

"Here." Avalon said kissing his cheek. "Yum." Avalon declared and Viserys laughed out. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now