101. Push Pull

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Avalon read it again and again. The scroll that Lyonel had given Viserys just days before he died.

''Viserys am I reading this right?'' Avalon questioned moving to theirs chambers but viserys was already asleep. Avalon kissed his head leaving the scroll on the table as she went out to check on the children.

Viserys spent most days in bed. Mellos said it was the flu. To steer clear. Avalon didnt care she wanted to see him. Take care of him.

"Your grace," Criston called and she turned to him. "Caraxes was spotted flying towards the castle."

"Daemon." Avalon said happily. Viserys had been fading and fading quickly. He was in bed more than not and Avalon didn't understand, this flu they were pretending when Avalon knew Viserys wasn't getting better. She just wanted to help and she felt very alone. Rhaenyra and the children, Harwin included had went to dragonstone, there had been little motion from driftmark and Avalon hoped that Rhaenys was behaving. When Avalon got outside Daemon was nowhere in sight though. She looked to Caraxes as he rubbed his head against Mouse. She felt the cold night air on her as she wore her night dress and it sent a shiver through her. Avalon turned back to Criston but he just shrugged.

Avalon should have known that Daemon was going to be sneaky, even if his arrival was less than subtle.

Avalon pushed open her chamber door and Daemon sealing the passageway shut.

''Daemon what are you doing here?'' Avalon declared running up to him he hugged her tight. "Rhaenyra and the kids... I know they wanted some time after Laenor's disappearance but it has been moons and I miss them." Avalon remarked daemon just smiled darkly down at her his hands moving along her hips. ''Were you at dragonstone? Are they-'' but he silenced her with a kiss one so all consuming her mind went blank and her body tingled.

''You know Avalon-'' he said between kisses ''-every women is just a place holder for my first love.'' his hands moved efficiently bunching her night slip up at her waist.

''What?'' Her brain was numb

''You.'' He whispered and her lips chasing after him but he dropped to his knees before her.

''Daemon-'' her clarity came back for just a mere moment before his lips were on her again his face buried between her legs hands wrapped around her thighs she closed her eyes trying to remember to breathe. ''Daem... dae you have to sto-'' but his hands wrapped around her ass pulling her closer getting himself deeper and her words faded to whimpers as her hand reached down to his hair he chuckled again her core and it sent a shiver through her. He didnt stop licking sucking prodding his tongue at her. She felt dizzy as her legs shook she held onto his head as he wouldnt relent and she couldnt find the words couldnt find her sanity to tell him to stop. This was wrong. She was married. But he felt her release on his lips and he took another moment licking her clean her chest heaved mouth gaped open eyes fluttered as he slowly rose up lips trailing pulling her dress higher and higher.


''You don't want me to stop.'' Daemon told her kissing her again. He picked her up and she hated how easily her body reacted to him. Her legs wrapped around him as he placed her down on the bed. He kissed her again his chest crashing down on her. Her hands slid up his sides as her back arched off the bed into him. He moaned kissing her chest and before pulling off her dress.

''Daemon we have to stop.'' Avalon told him but she lifted her back allowing him to remove her dress.

''You dont want me to stop.'' Daemon said confidently as she pulled him down to her.

She didn't remember the last time she had been kissed like this, touched like this... by Viserys. He was dying and she tended to him as a nurse, gentle kisses on his forehead, she hadn't been a wife like this in a long time yet she still felt a guilt. She had a mental dilemma that her brain couldn't process fast enough.

Push him away, pull him closer, stop thinking.

''Daemon... Daemon... Daemon...'

It was all she could say.

''Stop.'' her voice a rasp but her hands weren't listening they were pulling him closer.

''Sst... hmm'' she whimpered out.

''Avalon,'' he purred in her ear. ''Let me in''. He begged.

His lips ravaged hers, there was nothing gentle about this kiss. It was all tongues and gnashing of teeth as he plundered her depths. The immediate response of her body was not lost on her. Her heart thundered in its cage and she felt the tight coil of need awaken in her belly. A need she thought was long gone. He bit her lip and she bit him back, it was tit for tat and she wasn't about to lose this one. Hiking her leg around his hips, he thrust herself against his heat. He flipped their positions so that she was straddling him. He brought his lips up to her breasts peak and sucked. She cried out his name, pushing more of her breast into his mouth. He loosened his grip on her hips and she had her chance. Jerking her lips away, she flew off the berth.

"Daemon." She whispered running a hand through her hair as her chest heaved up and down. She was struggling to draw air into her lungs. Or maybe she was just so aroused that she needed a moment to collect herself. He hadn't the same needs because she found herself slammed against the wall of the chamber. Her legs automatically wrapped about his waist and she clung to his naked shoulders.

"What are you doing?" she squeaked.

"You can't get away from me,," He nipped at her neck. "You can run all you want, but I will always be right behind you, you and me Avalon we are destined to be together, I know it... I think you do to." She was going to tell him something snappy about that sounding stalkerish, but he claimed her lips again and her mind turned to mush. she clung to him, savoring the smell of his hard body next to hers. It should have been awful, they were both sweaty messes. But he smelled of dragon smoke and raw masculinity. She ground her core against his dick, willing him to take the next move, but he seemed content to just kiss her.

There was a pounding on the door and Avalon was more than grateful for it because it kept her from doing something she would hate herself for. Her let her legs fall to the ground as Daemon took a step back. He admired her a moment longer before handing her a robe. She took it with a shaky hand his eyes never leaving hers.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now