67. Stole My Baby

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Better Man / Helaena Targaryen / Peter Parker out now!

Avalon woke and Viserys was already up and gone she sighed rolling out of bed. She slipped on her robe and slippers and moved to Aemond's crib in her room. It was empty, perhaps Viserys moved him when he got up. 

So Avalon brushed out her hair looked some semblance of presentable before she moved across the hall to Aemond's room. She made sure that her children if they were not in her chambers, then they were close by in case they needed something. The rotation of the room across the hall was for The baby of the family. Alyssa had inhabitated it most recently and she was still a baby, still in a crib herself. They were all in the same hallway. 

Avalon assumed when they grew up they wouldnt want to be so close to her but for now they did and she loved it. 

Avalon went to check on Aemond as she did first thing every morning but he wasnt in his chambers either. 

Panic filled her.

Viserys would not have brought him to a meeting, there was no guard, no handmaiden at the door.

"Aemond?" She didnt know why she was calling out to him. He was a baby he wouldnt walk let alone talk for moons. "Aemond? Criston have you seen my baby?"

"No your grace." Criston corrected and avalon whimpered out. Her knees felt weak and her lips quivered. Criston reached out to steady her. 

"Someone took my baby," avalon locked eyes with him.

"We will find him your grace."

The castle was on high alert and Avalon was a wreck, she held to Alyssa and Aegon, searching the castle. she was petrified and didnt want to let them out of her sight. But she couldnt sit by while her baby was missing. Then she saw a babe in someone's arms, heard his little coes and Avalon raced forward. 

"Davina!" Avalon shouted when she saw her cousin with a baby. Davina pressed a kiss to Aemonds little head before looking to avalon

 Davina pressed a kiss to Aemonds little head before looking to avalon

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"Hey honey-"

"You stole my baby!" Avalon shouted and davina had never seen avalon so worried, never heard her so upset. Avalon was always the level headed girl. But right now, she was furious. 

"No, no just borrowing him." Davina corrected. "I got in early this morning and- oh Avalon im sorry I didnt mean to scare you." Davina assured.

"Well you did!" Avalon whimpered out reaching for Aemond. Davina passed her off. 

"I'm sorry honey, I just thought that you could get some sleep and I- I'm sorry Avalon. Forgive me." Davina begged.  Avalon cradled Aemond to her chest. "Hey squirts." Davina knelt before Aegon and Alyssa. 

"Can you tell someone instead of stealing babies in the wee hours of the morning?" Avalon begged. 

"Yes of course, my mistake. I'm sorry Avalon." Davina declared. "He's just so cute!" 

"I know he is which is why when he was gone I thought someone stole my cute as a button little baby." Avalon agreed. 

"Sorry." Davina offered again. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now