El Sin Nombre - Part 2

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Soap was startled when the brief moment of silence was interrupted by the burlap sack being ripped from his head. Looking ahead, he saw a guard staring at him with intimidating eyes. "Hermano..." Alejandro said in a low voice, putting his hand on Soap's shoulder. 

"Alejandro?" Soap asked. "How did you--?"

"No time. Listen, give them good intel in there. Don't lie. Tell them everything they want to know, or you'll die here."

"Tell them everything?" 

"Everything. Mexican Special Forces, American PMCs, Shadow Company. Phillip Graves. All truth." 

"Even your name?" 

The door to the elevators opened to reveal a man with two holsters underneath his arms. He had a smug grin on his face as his hip was parked out and his chest was puffed out. "This him?" The man snickered. 

"Sí, señor." Alejandro replied. 

"You got a name, hawk?" He questioned, poking at his preferred hairstyle. 

"They call me Soap." 

"Qué tipo de nombre es Jabón? (What kind of a name is Soap?)" Diego scoffed. "Let's go." 

"I want to see El Sin Nombre." Soap stated.

"Quiere ver al jefe? (He wants to see the boss?)" He sighed, momentarily taking a step back before grasping the collar of Soap's shirt. "You're only alive because you may have some information. And it better be good, guero, or I'm going to scalp that hawk right off your fucking head. Get the fuck out of my elevator." 

Alejandro nudged Soap out of the elevator before taking it up to the second floor. 

"This is my house. Which means you don't meet the boss until I say so. You don't speak unless spoken to. And mass importante - tell the fucking truth. 'Cause if you lie, I'll feed you to my dogs."

Soap gulped as he watched Diego beat one of his workers for snorting cocaine on the job, telling him that "the pain will keep you sharp". 

"Las Almas is at war. You want to win? Don't disobey," Diego explained, rubbing his sore knuckles. "That is how the organization survives, and that is why the boss is here tonight." 


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