You Keep Me Sane, I Keep You Wild

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New Years Eve, 2023

"Christ, Soap, you couldn't have picked a colder day to ride this trail?" Gaz chattered through the cold wind. The day itself was rather nice - sunny, with a predicted high of forty-seven degrees. However, as the group continued to ride the given trail at a higher altitude, the wind felt almost piercing to Gaz's sensitive skin. 

"You complain more than Kiera's babies," Soap poked. "We're almost there. I wanted y'all to see this overlook before you went home. It'll be worth it." 

"Y'all?" Price scoffed. 

"What the fuck does that mean?" Alejandro grumbled.

"Is that one of Teeter's made-up words?" Price questioned, puffing on his cigar as his horse trailed slowly behind. Always a good lad, being slow and in the back for my old bones, he mused to himself as if he were talking to the horse itself. 

"No, it's an actual word." 

"Never heard of it," Gaz shrugged. "But I'll take your word for it." 

"It means you all, you bloke," Soap retorted. "But don't worry, princess, we're almost to the top."

Soap couldn't help but smile to himself in excitement as the overlook was coming into his view, Teeter's horse close behind his while Kiera was behind her and Simon was riding in the back of the line next to Price - the men discussing whatever came to mind during the entire two-hour ride. 

"Holy shit, baby!" Teeter gasped. "How'd you find this place?" 

"Just stumbled across one day." He smiled, stopping his horse and leaning forward in the saddle to lean his forearms against the horn.

"More like ye got lost." She scoffed. 

"Sounds about right." Gaz commented, he too taking in the view as the rugged mountains miles away were blanketed with snow. 

Simon knew Soap was nervous - beyond nervous as he even gagged when he couldn't regurgitate on an empty stomach, his palms sweating as well as shaking when the time came closer and closer. Earlier that day, Soap had asked Simon to "help" him by asking the group if they wanted to take group pictures for a "post card" to send home to the Task Force when they flew home, using the excuse of taking photos to keep Teeter from getting suspicious. "Is this where you wanted to take the pictures?" Simon asked aloud. 

"Oh! Yeah," Soap nodded. "I figured we could take a couple of group pictures - one on foot and one on our horses-"

"Pictures?" Teeter furrowed her brows. 

"Y-Yeah. Kiera and her mum gave the idea of taking pictures so that they could make some postcards to send with them when they fly back home. Something to look forward to." He nervously explained. 

"Oh, okay. K's always been crafty like that. I never woulda thought of it." 

"Yeah," Simon scoffed. "You should've seen what she made me for Christmas. I'm too scared to hang it up because I don't want it to break." He chuckled, referring to the shadow box display she had made him with all of his medals and group photos he was present in after missions. He wouldn't admit it, but it nearly brought him to tears. 

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