Loose Ends

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Simon glanced over his shoulder to check on Kiera from the bathroom, tightening his tactical belt around his waist after tucking in his shirt, seeing that she was still asleep after her body had calmed down from a typical cold chill. It was nearly two a.m., and Simon knew he was running on a short amount of time. 

He moved silently throughout the room, walking into the spare bedroom to get his tactical vest and balaclava sewn to his favorite mask to cover his entire face as well, leaving the only visible area of skin to be around his eyes. He was Ghost once he left the house, leaving the father-to-be of Simon Riley behind - not wanting his alter ego to have an ounce of a title in his new role. "Fucking hell." He grumbled, checking the clip in his pistol to be four bullets low. He moved to his knees, searching under the bed for any leftover ammunition, cursing under his breath as he wasn't able to find what he was searching for. 

Looking in the closet, a black box caught his eye. I don't remember this? he thought, kneeling down to open the box to reveal a Magnum .357 revolver and an entire box of spare ammunition for it. Things are about to get proper messy with this bloody thing.

Holstering the revolver, he tucked away the extra ammunition in his pack as well as holstering many blades and throwing knives he truthfully preferred them over a gun as moving silently was one of his many talents. 

After lacing his boots, he was about to slip on the infamous balaclava of his before he caught a glimpse of Kiera standing in the kitchen doorway with only one of his shirts dressing her torso and stopping just above her knees. His features softened for her, finding himself catching a breath at her messy hair draping around her face and her bare feet. "You're going after him, aren't you?" 

"There was no way I was going to let you do it," He shrugged. "If he's not taken care of, we'd have more problems to worry about instead of just this baby." 

She took a few steps closer to him, "And let me guess, Laswell is helping you find him?" 

"No, she confirmed where he was. I'm doing this alone." 

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