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Author's Note: I hope you all had a good weekend! I'm completely exhausted after working seven days this week at both jobs plus school. Unfortunately, I'm behind for a few days with school work and updating this story, but my goal is to write every day and hopefully publish every other day until Friday - Sunday. Hope everyone is staying safe out there! With all of the shit going on in this world, writing this book definitely helps take away the stress and anxiety that comes with living in reality. In addition to that, it would be  a shame if I make this book over 200 chapters long... ;)


Simon spent the last hour of his shift by slowing himself down and taking his time finalizing the last bit of documents he was processing. Still coming down from his intimate high from Kiera's visit, he found himself smirking every time he looked down at his desk, remembering how he had his wife begging and pleading for a release just a few hours prior.

Once there was a soft knock on his office door, he raised his brow in irritation, hoping that it was just a simple issue that could be resolved within the last fifteen minutes of his shift. "Come in."

After seeing who the visitor was, he huffed before leaning back in his chair, twirling his pen between his fingers. "You realize how much of a bloody mess you've made here?" He scoffed, pleased to see how Phil Jenkins cowered down in Simon's presence, failing to realize just how big he was once he was within a few feet of him.

"I didn't send poisoned apples home with your wife!" He pleaded, sensing the anger in Simon's voice.

"Oh, so you know about that and didn't report it?" He arched his brow.

"Respectfully, everyone involved in this project heard about it, but I can assure you that it wasn't celebrated," Jenkins frowned. "I may play dirty, but to be fair, the only person I'd consider hurting was you given the circumstances." He reminded, arching his brow.

"I almost lost my daughter. I would've killed everyone I thought was involved if I would have lost them. No questions asked."

"Believe me, I would've been the same way. I'm not here to try and make peace and take sides."

"Then why did you come here?"

"To warn you."


"When I found out about the poisoned apple thing, I was afraid that you'd suspect me for it as revenge for what you did to me, but you and I both know that revenge is for amateurs," He breathed a chuckle. "Your wife and I, well, we share a common enemy. Ben arranged that—"

"So we'd turn on you," Simon answered, clicking his tongue. "He did it because you're building the biggest bloody casino outside of Las Vegas right up against our fence. If trying to kill me and my family is what they're going to try and do to me, God knows what they're going to do to you."

"I-I know. That's... another reason why I came, but it's not my casino anymore. Tokala, he's, he's pushing me out and Ben is pushing his way in. He started by suspending my liquor license and had it all seized."

"I know. I guess you didn't remember that it was me who served the warrant," Simons scoffed, watching Jenkins bow his head in defeat. "I think you, this Tokala bloke, and me should all sit down and clear the air."

"I-I can arrange that. What about Kiera? I think she should be involved in this, too—"

"With as mad and distraught as my wife is over this, she won't think twice to claw your eyes out if you try and plead for forgiveness," He huffed. "And if she does, you know I won't stop her because if anything ever came down to it, no matter if she's in the wrong or not, I'll always be on her side."

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