Gaining Leverage

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Author's Note: Yes, this chapter is over 4k words with a bit of pending drama as well as a lot of fluff between Simon and Baler. I just love their journey together and how they truly view each other after their hardships. It makes my heart melt! Also, just in case anyone was curious: I start my new job tomorrow and I'm still slowly getting back on my feet! Money is still hard to come by right now, but I'm still able to manage and get food for myself as well as take care of my animals. Thankfully, this new job pays every week, so I'm so happy about that. I also have a set schedule so that it'll be easier to plan things throughout the day! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Hopefully I'll have another out in a couple of days! 


"The value of the land is basically worthless without a water source, I'm afraid." A lead executive on Tokala's team explained.

"Worthless?" Adam, Phil's lead executive on the project, scoffed. Aside from his arrogance, Phil thoroughly enjoyed the man's cockiness when negotiating a deal. "A 40-acre goat farm sold for 3 million in the county over."

"With a water source."

"The water table on our property is 30 feet. I could dig a fucking well by hand."

"I'd love to see that!" Angela fired back, far from intimidated from Adam's negotiation tactics. "Your client already accepted our offer, you're just supposed to red line the fine print if I must remind you of what your job entails."

Tokala smirked with amusement.

"The fine print is shit. You get our land for free and then write off construction costs for years before we even see a dime?" Adam scoffed. "Phil, fucking Indian Tribes trying to steal your land."

"The only reason you're not choking on irony is the size of your mouth!" Angela snarled.

"Must I remind everyone that our goal here is to make a deal." Natalie sighed.

"We agreed to a percentage as payoff. I can't afford your asking price and build my desired project." Tokala explained.

Phil shook his head, "I know how this works. You won't spend a cent on construction. You'll go to Chase or Rocky Capital and take a loan for the build. You'll outsource the management except for promised jobs for family or friends. You'll negotiate a heaping consulting fee for yourself and give speeches about how this will have a positive impact to the community with how much income will be brought in for schools and hospitals," He explained, drawing in everyone's attention by how great the future sounded coming from his mouth. "I oversaw the Las Vegas Lottery and partnered with managing casinos along the Strip. I helped write the book on this shit and I'm fine with all of this, but all I'm offering is that my piece of the pie will be just as big as yours."

"I have no family to give jobs to, and my only friends are my partners in this business. Every dime of profit will go exactly where I say it goes. We both want the same thing, just different reasons."

"Tokala, I look at the contract and I honestly can't tell what you want."

"Let me simplify it: I want everything the Jackson Valley Ranch sits on! I want that ranch and everything north towards Yellowstone and south towards Hot Springs. Do this with me and I'll split it with you."

"There's probably not even a handful of people on this entire planet that can afford that ranch. You and I aren't one of them."

"You're a billionaire, no?"

"Yes, but the only reason I am is because I'm smart with my money. I discuss strategies before falling through with a deal."

"I have a plan for that, too."

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