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Once the end of the week came, Simon was anxious to have his much-needed - and well deserved - paid vacation. He had worked an additional ten hours of overtime to get things done, but it didn't come without being stressed and overwhelmed. He embraced his usual routine, walking into their home and greeting Jacob and Evie in their cribs before quietly walking into the living room to glance over at Baler, seeing him sleeping on the couch. Simon wouldn't admit it, but he was impressed by how much the teenager's behavior had improved over the last few days - how he managed to be first to the barn in the morning and catching on rather quickly with the barn routine and horse care routine, how polite he was when he met Kiera's parents for dinner his second night at the household, and how he had quickly earned his sanction back into staying in their home. 

Although it didn't mean he didn't slip beneath Simon's radar when it came to keeping a close eye on him.

"You're up early, love." Simon grinned, leaning against the doorframe of the nursery, his eyes fixated on Kiera as she clutched Jacob close to her chest, rocking him slowly back and forth in a last-minute attempt to soothe him from his fit. 

"I feel bad." She frowned. 


"I was sleeping too hard or something," She explained, sighing. "I didn't hear him crying through the baby monitor and Baler actually woke me up to tell me one of them was crying." 

"He came into our bedroom?" 

"Yeah? It's not a federal crime, Simon. I know it's out of respect, but he had a reason to." 

"I guess," He shrugged. "But don't feel guilty about not hearing Jacob cry." 

"I can't help but feel guilty. I didn't wake up because I didn't hear him cry. I was sleeping too hard and I'm not sure how long he was crying for." 

"Kiera. That's not it. You haven't been sleeping decent since you came home from the hospital. It's not your fault that you were in a deep sleep. I think it's your body telling you that you need rest." 

"I shouldn't need rest, though. I barely do anything it feels like. I haven't been cleared to go back to work yet and I can barely do anything without getting winded. I feel so lazy-"

"Stop," He sighed, stepping close to her and kneeling next to the rocking chair. "You're not lazy. And just because you haven't been cleared to go back to work doesn't mean you haven't been productive. You're always doing something. This house is clean enough to where you can eat from the floor and taking care of these little loves and keeping your eye on a troubled teenager. Do you not believe me when I say you're mum of the year?"

She couldn't help but blush at his words, "I hear it every time you say it, babe. Every time you do, I have a sliver of hope that I could bring a pair of another set of twins." 

"Don't tempt me, love," He chuckled, leaning up to press a kiss to her temple. "If that's what you want, then I'll make it happen." 

"Although I wouldn't mind waiting a couple of years before trying again. I couldn't imagine being pregnant again when they're not even a year old yet." She hummed. 

"Whenever you're ready," He nodded, leaning up to press a kiss to her temple. "I'm going to go take a shower before I lay down. Care to join me?" 

"I will. Although I'm in the mood for a hot bath," She sighed. "My back has been killing me." 

"Then a bath it is. I'll meet you in there, yeah?" 

"When he calms down and goes back to sleep." She smiled up at him, seeing the excitement in his tired eyes. 

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