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November - 2023

November 15th - The day before Simon's birthday:

"How're you feeling?" Simon asked as he entered the nursery, smiling down at Kiera as she had been breastfeeding Jacob after putting Evie into the crib for a mid-day nap.

"Still sore," She huffed. "My right boob hurts so bad, I still can't feed them at the same time."

"I'm sorry, love," He frowned, adjusting the strap of his holster as he was about to depart for his shift. He now worked for the local SWAT team - something that he didn't imagine himself doing, but he was proud of his work after sincerely missing his military life, having something that was "the best of both worlds" as he was able to participate in military-style work as well as come home every night. "I have to leave in a half hour."

"Okay, babe," She smiled, looking up at him as he granted her with a loving kiss. I really can't wait until I can be intimate again. He's killing me wearing his uniform, she huffed to herself. "When you get back in the morning, I want to go out and get your birthday present."

"You don't have to get my anything, Kiera-"

"I want to. Don't argue with me," She giggled. "When you get back and go to sleep, I'll wait until you're up so I can go into town."

"I don't like that you're planning something, love. Those gears get to turning and I'm expecting some surprise that'll startle me."

"Me? No..." She scoffed.

"I know you better than that," He chuckled. "I'm going to go pack my lunch before I leave-"

"I already got it packed for you, babe." 

"Kiera, you didn't have to do that." 

"I wanted to. Especially since I'm being promoted to housewife soon. Might as well get started now." 

He chuckled as he walked towards the crib that held his daughter, peering over at her perfectly sleeping form, admiring how he was able to help create something so perfect. Slowly, he curled his index finger against Evie's cheek, admiring how soft her skin was compared to his rough finger. "Be good to your mum, yeah?" 

He stood to sear another mental image of Evie in his mind before turning back towards Kiera, grinning as she rocked Jacob against her chest as he fed, her head lulled back at an attempt to relax against the chair, desperate to ignore the constant ache in her breast. "Do you need any help with anything before I leave?" He asked her, his heavy hand gentle on her shoulder, pulling some of her hair behind her ear. 

"I've got the fort grounded for now, babe. Thank you." She smiled up at him. He could see how tired she was, the bags under her eyes the same as since they'd first come home with their babies. 

"I'll see you soon, yeah?" 

"Lord willin'." 

He hummed, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips, chuckling at Jacob's groans and moans as he fed from Kiera's breast, his fingers curled against her warm skin, his eyes lulling closed. "I love you." 

"I love you too," She smiled against his lips, giggling as he returned his lips to hers for another kiss. "I'll be here when you get back." 

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