In Case You Didn't Know

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Author's Note: Short chapter, I know, and I'm sorry, but I have some drama coming into this storyline that I'm excited to get into! Also, here's some unfortunate news...

Apparently, Wattpad won't let me post a new chapter when I get to 200 total chapters, and this one is officially chapter 199. Don't worry, I WON'T be deleting any chapters, BUT this does mean that in order for this story to go on (hehe, reference), I will have to start a new book. :( I personally hate having to make a "book 1" and "book 2", but if that's what it takes for it to go on, then so be it. It will still be the same title and description, and probably won't be as long as this one, but we'll see. I love this story so much and have no desire for an end in sight. Thank you all so much for reading my little hobby book, being patiently waiting for me to post and comment on my work. This book is also still in "rewriting" as I've been updating old chapters with slight tweaks and POV script instead of 3rd person. This process in itself will take a while, and I'm trying to work on it every day, but bear with me. I'd love to see what you all think of those rewritten chapters! I've done all the way from chapter one to when they first figure out Graves' betrayal.

Anyway, happy reading. Let's see if you pick up on the foreshadowing! ;)


Simon's Point of View:

Kiera was exhausted. She could barely move, and it drove her post-partum depression far worse. She felt like she was on a routine: wake up, breastfeed Stella, fall asleep afterwards while I changed my new daughter, breastfed again, fell asleep again, eat lunch in bed before trying to walk – only to be in agonizing pain every time she stood up, a brief mental breakdown, then breastfeeding again.

She said standing up felt like her insides were falling out, and almost every time she did, I would have to help her clean up and change underwear. My heart was broken for her, this past week being nothing but miserable for her.

Though today, she seemed to be in warm spirits, a warm smile on her face when I took Stella from her to put her in the bassinet, leaving only Kiera and I in our bedroom. "How're you feeling today, love?"

"Bit better than yesterday. This week has been awful," She sighed, lifting her arm towards me as I moved towards my side of the bed, lowering myself onto my knees before laying on my side to face her, the feeling of her fingertips against my forearm making me comfortable. "I have an odd request..."

"No request from you is odd," I chuckled. "Unless it's helping you make spaghetti to mix with Fruity Pebbles, then I'd consider it as odd."

"Can I lay on you?" Her question sounded like she was resentful after asking me this, but I knew why she wanted to. She wanted to press her body against mine, craving my body heat to help her body aches, though her specific request couldn't follow suit due to her belly still being prominent from delivering our daughter, and I wanted to refrain from making her uncomfortable.

"I don't know about on me, love, but I'll gladly hold you against me."

"...That's what I meant." She giggled, letting me assist her in turning to face me. It was still early in the morning, and I was due to go back to work after the weekend was over. My chest pressed against her back, my arms keeping her secure against me as I hid my face against her neck. She occasionally groaned with discomfort, but it soon subsided when she let herself relax.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart."

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you, babe."

"Technically, you could," I joked. "But I know what you mean. She's beautiful, though she looks exactly like you."

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