Mr. and Mrs. Simon Riley - Part 2

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Once at the venue, Simon clutched Jacob nervously as the reality started to sink in. I'm getting married today, he thought. I'm finally getting married. She's going to be my wife. "Take a breath, sweetheart," Eva assured him, toting the wedding gift she had gotten for them in her arms. "I know it's a lot of pressure." 

"Not as much as the pressure Kiera is feeling right now, I'm sure. She's worried about every little detail while I'm just worried about how to not mess up my vows." 

"That she is, sweetheart. I'm going to take Jacob to the lounge where Kiera is so that she can settle him in and get him ready. You have your own lounge to go to where the other boys are." 

"Look forward to it." Simon grumbled, handing Jacob to his future mother-in-law after she had set aside the gift she had for them, frowning as he watched her walk away before he made his way to the men's lounge. 

"Hermano!" Alejandro shouted, opening his arms has he got up from his chair, not even hesitating before wrapping his arms around Simon's shoulders. "Congratulations, man!"

"Thank you." He nodded, forcing himself to ignore the fact that he didn't like to be touched unless it was Kiera, forcing the social anxiety from his inner thoughts as he knew Alejandro was not a threat to him. 

Nor was anyone else in the area.

"Let's celebrate!" He smiled, walking back towards his chair before Price stood up to greet him, reaching out to shake Simon's hand before Soap followed suit. 

"You're not getting me in trouble with smoking a cigar on my wedding day, mate!" Simon chuckled. 

"Oh, come on, L.T.," Soap scoffed. "We won't see you for a couple of weeks after today and the old man traveled a lot of miles to be here!" 

"Don't fucking guilt trip me, Seargent." He arched a brow, taking the cigar anyway and having a seat on the open chair, letting Price light his cigar before he joined him. 

"Works every time." Soap snickered, letting Price light his cigar before he too took a seat. 

"So, are you nervous?"

"That's an understatement, old man," He chuckled. "I'm just going to let you know in advance that if you see a tear coming from my eye, I have an onion in my pocket." 

"Don't you lie, L.T., you know you're going to cry without the smell of a bloody onion!" 

Simon glared at him, causing Soap to snicker along with Rudy. 

"I won't say a word, Simon," Price chuckled. "If it makes you feel any better, I cried when Alice and I got married and I'm sure Johnny there is going to cry like a schoolgirl when he and Jennifer get married."

"Who's Jennifer?"

"Teeter. We've been shagged up for over a year and I'm just now learning her actual name!" 

"Sounds like you, mate." 

"I can't say I'm surprised, Johnny," Price scoffed. "I just hope there'll be whiskey at that wedding because I know I'll need it!" 

"You and me both, old man." Simon chuckled, exhaling a cloud of smoke from the cigar. 

"Well, just two hours left and you'll be a married man!" Price chimed, changing the subject. "It's a wonderful feeling, yeah?" 

"It is, but I'm scared of fucking it up." 

"You won't." 


"Are you excited for saying your private vows? Just an hour left until the ceremony!" Kiera's hair stylist chimed before making the final curl into her hair, looking at her through the mirror. 

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