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My readers, today is a special day for me. Today marks the one-year anniversary of this book! This chapter probably will be boring, but it focuses more on Johnny's recovery and of course, more banter between these two that we all love. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for riding along through this story, and I can promise you that it will go on and the end is far from close. Frankly, I don't know how to "end" this book quite yet anyway, so I guess that means I'll just keep writing until I can find a suitable stopping point, huh? ;) 

This chapter is just mainly fluff, an apology between Simon and Kiera, and banter between Simon and Johnny that is super fun to write. Now we need to get Johnny home to meet his new baby, a wedding for him and Teeter, and some more drama that surrounds the ranch's future. What a ride! 

Also, I will be working on my other Simon Riley x OC book titled "Scars." If you haven't read it yet, I'd love to see your opinion/feedback on it as it's completely different than any of the other fanfics I've read. It focuses more on Simon's backstory and how he overcomes it. It starts off as a 3rd person, but I switched it over to point of view's because I've become obsessed with writing "through Simon's eyes." 


Xoxo, Anna <3

Simon's Point of View:

Granted the circumstances, that was probably the best sleep I've had since as far as I can remember. The thunderstorm outside was a help, the rain voiding out the silence within the room. I haven't moved since I first laid down, and neither did Kiera judging by the small pool of drool she left on my chest. Absolutely adorable as well as relieving to see how well she seemed to be sleeping, too. Aside from the fact that she was like a furnace against me, I still let her lie against me as I knew she craved my warmth – the sensation of me being there for her to cling to if she were to have a bad dream.

I reached for my phone that was on the side table, using my pinky to nudge my loaded pistol out of the way so that I could view the time on the screen of my phone. Fuck, we literally slept all day and it still looked like the time of day we fell asleep during. I needed to get up and plan to visit Johnny, and I hoped that he was making another good step towards his recovery.

I turned my head to awaken Kiera with a kiss to her forehead, waiting to watch her open her eyes to look up at me with a warm grin. I could tell she was still thinking about how she was going to bring up how awful I had been towards her, but that was my job. I messed it up, and I was going to make it right. I already put her through enough, so I wasn't expecting her to have to try and fix a mess I made.

"Slept well, yeah?" I chuckled, watching her gasp before using her hand to wipe away the small pool of drool she left on my chest, looking at me with an apologetic gaze. Love, I can assure you that a little pool of drool you left on my chest isn't a problem. I'm your husband, not a new boyfriend spending his first night with you.

"I'm so sorry, Simon—"

"Sorry for what, love?"

"Drooling on you."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her apology. She should know better than to apologize for a "little mess." Fuck, I've left worse messed on her... in her. A little bit of drool wasn't a problem to me. "I'm not worried about it."

"What time is it?"

"A quarter past three in the afternoon, love."


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