Sometimes, Death is a Kindness

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Later the same evening, Simon returned home with a frown decorating his face after accompanying Eva into town to confirm funeral arrangements for her husband and spending a few hours with her once he brought her back to the lodge before dismissing himself for the night, ensuring her that he would bring Kiera back after he broke the news to her. 

His plan was distorted when he realized that he walked in to Kiera making dinner with a smile on her face once she realized that he was home. A smile I haven't seen in a few weeks and I'm about to take it away by telling her this unfortunate news, he frowned to himself, forcing himself to smile at her as he was truly happy to see her after four days. "What're you up to, love?" 

"I figured you'd like supper after going without it for the past four days," She giggled, closing the gap between them as she greeted him with a longed-for kiss, her brows immediately furrowing once she realized that he didn't feel too eager to kiss her back. I-Is he not happy to see me? 

She pulled away, watching his eyes dart along her facial features to avoid looking her in the eyes. "Simon? What's wrong?"

He sighed, looking down at his feet before his hands reached up to grasp hers, bringing her arms down from his shoulders and clutching her hands against his chest, "I shouldn't tell you this alone-"

"...Tell me what?" She questioned, her eyes staring into his, her gut twisting when she saw him purposely break eye contact, which wasn't like him. 

At all. 

"Just... I'll go get the kids. We need to go to the lodge." 


"Love, please," He sighed, not wanting to get a stern tone with her, knowing that a stern tone of voice was the last thing Kiera would need, even if it was for her own good. "Just turn the stove off and put Kimber up, I'll go get the kids. We need to go to the lodge." 

She looked at her hands that were held securely by Simon's against his chest, feeling his heartrate increase slightly. Something is wrong. "Wh-?"

"Just trust me, love. Okay?" 

She nodded hesitantly, closing her eyes when he pressed a reassuring and comforting kiss to her forehead, reassuring her that what he needed to tell her was not bad news about them as a couple, although a part of him thought that telling her there was a problem between them would be easier than telling her that her own father had passed away. For once I wish we had a problem. It would probably break her heart less, he frowned, desperately dreading when he'd hear that broken weep of sorrow leave her throat just like he had heard Eva do when he told her. 

Once he had gathered Jacob and Evie, he had instructed Baler to carry the twin's overnight bag to prevent Kiera from having to carry anything. Simon opened the front door to the lodge for her, letting her enter first with Evie clutched to her hip while he held Jacob close against his chest. "Baler, take that bag upstairs. I'll meet you there," Simon directed. "Love, hand her to me." 

His heart broke when he continued to watch her be oblivious to the situation, hating himself for just not coming out and telling her the horrible news, wanting her mother to be the one to tell her or for her to figure it out. I feel so bloody selfish for not wanting to tell her to avoid breaking my own heart after watching hers break again

"Simon, what's going on?" She asked with a soft voice of concern.

"Your mum is in the den, love," He frowned, avoiding eye contact with her before he and Baler ascended the stairs. "I'll be there when the time is right." 

"When what time is right?!" She questioned, her tone holding slight irritation. 

"This isn't the place for me right now. Your mum needs you, not us. Not yet." 

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