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Author's Note: Yes, I know this chapter is probably boring and wasn't worth the wait, but I did my best. I have been so mentally drained for this story (NOT in a bad way - the best way to describe it is that I feel like I've had so many ideas that I've noted and couldn't put one of them into this chapter for *drama*.) and with working two jobs right now, freaking out over finances, and giving myself an anxiety attack because of this "World War lll" bullshit I've been seeing all over the place and knowing Montana houses a lot of the country's nuclear weapons, I can't help but feel anxious. I'm going to try and work on the next few chapters while I can, but know I am not giving up on this book. 


Later that day, Kiera returned home with a heavy mind, wondering if she should just stop trying to defend the ranch to keep her family safe, or to fight dirty and still protect herself and family just to keep the ranch. Eager to speak to Simon about what had happened at her office, the thought quickly left her mind once she walked through the front door of the lodge, the new normal she was still catching on to, seeing her mother in the kitchen and seeming to be showing Baler how to mix various ingredients before her eyes landed on Simon, hunched over while his hands securely held Evie's, his steps short and slow as Evie was beginning to walk on her own. 

She gasped, "Oh, my God! Don't let her do that!" 

"Why not?" Simon questioned, his brows furrowed. 

"Because that means my baby is growing up too fast!" She smiled, watching him mirror her reaction as he felt the child take another slow step, her lips spread into a smile as her father continued to help her learn the first steps of growth. 

"I know, love. Believe me, I don't want her to grow up too fast either, but I definitely was too excited to help her walk when I saw her crawling more than usual." 

"What about Jacob? Has he started trying to walk yet?" 

Simon shook his head, "No, but he's still crawling around like a little bug." He chuckled, his hands now moving to be under Evie's arms after she merely stumbled, picking her up and holding her against his side while he moved towards Kiera, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. "I love you." 

"I love you too," She smiled, leaning towards him for a second kiss. "Where's Jacob?" 

Simon nodded his head towards the kitchen, Kiera's eyes following as she finally noticed that Eva had been coddling Jacob against her while Baler followed her directions. "I think this was the best decision - moving in here with her." 

"I think so, too. She's been so happy, love."

"I'm glad."

"Moving in with her definitely helped her loneliness." 

She nodded, "I agree. What's she doing with Baler?"

"Teaching him how to make a meatloaf. I guess that's what we're having for dinner." 

"Ah, so we'll have plenty of time to settle down for the night before we eat." 

"Maybe sneak in a bath for the both of us?" He arched his brow, eager. "That tub is big enough for us." 

"Oh, I know," She giggled. "I think I'd like that." 

"That's why I suggested it."

"I'll even bring in some of your favorite whiskey." 

"Keep that up and you'll definitely win the award for wife of the year." He teased, smirking as he watched her roll those beautiful hazel eyes of hers. 

"Lucky me." She snickered back, watching him arch his brows before she ran her fingers through Evie's hair as she walked by, soon entering the kitchen to formally greet her mother, stomach growling once she smelled the meatloaf. "Hey, momma." 

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