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Simon and Kiera spent the rest of Independence Day in the bathtub - Simon holding her as she grieved, giving her his complete and undefining attention well after the water turned cold. "S-Simon," She whispered, her voice hoarse from the consecutive hours of weeping. "I can't flush that toilet-"

"Don't worry about that, love," He replied lowly, his own body jolting every few moments after hearing fireworks nearby, the yearly celebration nearly causing him distressing fits of his own, but he forced himself to ignore those thoughts. Kiera picked up on his stress, squeezing his arms every time she felt him tense, finding the strength to tend to him as he deserved. "Are you cold?"

She shook her head, "N-No."

He nodded, pressing another kiss to the side of her head, closing his eyes briefly before opening them again at the sound of either Jacob or Evie beginning to cry. "I-I guess that's my cue to get out of this tub." She spoke sadly.

"I agree that you need to get out of this cold water, but I'll go check on them." Simon assured her, getting out of the tub first before offering his hand to her, frowning at the thin haze of blood that floated amongst the water.

"No, I can do it, Simon. I-I need to see them." She shook her head, tightening her grip on Simon's hand as he helped her out of the tub, reaching a towel towards her before reaching for her new pair of clothes.

"Okay, love." He nodded, changing back into his clothes before offering to help her change into her new clothes.

She couldn't help but shed more tears when she saw the feminine pad he had brought for her - shedding more tears at how thoughtful he was when she knew she assumed she had started her period, but shed more after knowing the reason why she had to wear it.

After she had changed, she sighed when she looked at herself in the mirror, breaking her intense glare with herself before turning towards Simon, her lip quivering as she wrapped her arms around his neck, craving his natural warmth while she cried into his neck. "It's going to be alright, love." He assured her, pressing a soft kiss to the area of skin below her ear.

"I don't know, Simon."

"It will be."


Throughout the next month, Simon had earned the "Fiancé of the Year" title as a friendly competition between he and Kiera. Never once complaining about how their lives had been since she had miscarried what could have been baby number three. He had never once questioned her about how she felt about everything, never once initiating intimacy when he felt she wasn't ready and able to read her body language when she was in her head about things, he was always there for her needs, whether it be a shoulder to cry on or an extra hand with chores - he never left her feeling alone. "Baler! Come and get your breakfast!" Kiera shouted from the kitchen, her hair in a messy bun and flour on her shirt.

"Coming!" He replied back, hastily tucking in his shirt as he rushed towards the kitchen. "Morning, momma."

"Good morning, baby," She smiled, proud of Baler's improved behavior. "What're you hungry for this morning? I have eggs and bacon, but would you rather have biscuits or pancakes?"

"What did you make already?"

"I have biscuits that came out of the oven, but I can make some pancakes real quick if you want some?"

Baler shook his head, "No, that's okay. Biscuits are fine."

She nodded, smiling as she put a spoon-full of scrambled eggs and three pieces of bacon on his plate followed by two homemade biscuits. "Jelly or butter?"

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