No Stone Unturned

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To say I was nervous was an understatement - I was nearly in a panic attack every time I got a chance to look at the time. I wasn't a very social guy and perhaps never would be, but if I wanted to advance further into Kiera's life, I had to grow out of my social anxiety at some point. I had met her parents yesterday, and I was quite relieved to see how laid back they were. Her father welcomed me with a firm handshake and an offering of whiskey while her mother welcomed me with open arms and told me to get comfortable in her house. Her father, who goes by Bud, was a retired E-9 Master Gunnery Sergeant in the Marine Corps, and he kindly shared stories with me of his time overseas as well as asking me how different my military career was. I felt no judgement from him or his wife, and I was relieved by it, especially when they didn't ask questions about what intentions I had with their daughter. 

As the days went by, I assumed that Kiera picked up on my daily habits: coffee, sitting on her back patio to myself, and insisting conversation for whenever I felt like it. She gave me my space, and I appreciated it, however I hated it because all I wanted was to be around her at all hours of the day. The Wyoming weather failed to make up its mind towards the end of the year. One day it would be warm and sunny but turn to bitter cold and sleet within twenty-four hours. Today was one of those days. It was now early evening, and what was once a decent warm day began to turn to hard wind and falling temperatures. Deciding that I had been isolating myself on the back patio for long enough, I entered the house to the smell of something sweet, and I couldn't help but follow it, giving me an excuse to instigate conversation with the topic of food. 

I stood back and watched when I realized that Kiera was humming along to a song she was playing on her phone, keeping her hands occupied by taking out a pan from the oven. She had no idea that I was there, assuming that I was probably still on the back patio embracing my unfortunate loneliness. "Bottles and Bibles litter the floor; All night revival passed out around four," I heard her hum, reaching to her right for a bag of jumbo marshmallows, opening them and putting a few on top of whatever she had pulled out of the oven. 

Whatever it was, I knew it was going to be delicious. Our conversations haven't been long in the last few days except for over dinner, but one thing I figured out about her is that she could cook. Obliviously to her, that was a way to my heart, and she was getting closer and closer with every meal she made for me. I watched as she put the pan back into the oven, wiping her palms on the nearby kitchen towel before taking the last sip of the whiskey that was in the glass on the counter, turning around before she noticed me. "Christ, Simon!" 

"Sorry, love," I smirked. "Didn't intend to scare you. Figured you knew when someone was within a few feet of you."

"I don't have eyes in the back of my fuckin' head!" She scoffed. 

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