Violence and Timing

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"Ghost, what's your status?"

"Taking overwatch west of your twenty. Price and Gaz are on a helo securing a perimeter close to the border. If they have Kiera and Laswell held as hostages, they'll be transporting them in a convoy."


"Better to protect from the ground, Johnny," Ghost huffed. "I've been posted here for the last several hours to provide a visual. Hostages are still in one of those containers outside of the town. Looks like a dozen or more AQ left guarding. I'll provide overwatch while you and Thompson clear the town."

"Copy that, L.T. Like old times, yeah?"

"Different circumstances, unfortunately. We have major priorities now."

"H-How did they know about them?"

"Price said that she and Laswell were in Urzikstan in 2019. AQ found out Kiera was working with Laswell and planned their attack on her. Either it could be a coincidence that Makarov's men were on the plane, or they were keeping their eyes on them since."

"I'm hoping it was a coincidence."

"Me too, but we can't be putting too much thought into this unless it's getting them back."

Soap recognized the distress in Ghost's - Simon's - voice recalling the orders, his worry about Kiera clear with every word that left his mouth. Soap was worried too - worried about how all of this would play out, hoping and praying to his belief that they would all be rescued without complications.

Soap and Thompson continued through the town, subtly clearing out the scattered AQ's that were left to guard the space they had taken over, a strong gust of desert sand scattering with the wind, easily covering their tracks.

As well as the enemy's.

"I've got your six, Sergeant." Thompson whispered after they'd taken out an AQ standing on guard.

"Copy that," Soap sighed, removing a throwing knife from the sheath on his vest. "Two AQ's up ahead. We can make quick work of 'em."

"Rog. I'll take right, you take the other."

"Aye." Soap nodded, crouching alongside Thompson as they got into position, nodding at each other before making their move. "Dropped 'em. Ghost, we're working our way up to the container."

"Copy that. There are three more just north of your position. I'm in range to drop one if you and your partner take the other."

"Moving to position now."

"Waiting for your signal, Sergeant."

After a few moments, both Soap and Thompson were in position for their assault.

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