Book Update

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Hey, guys! Anna here! Just wanted to come on here and give you a little update. I'm currently working on the next chapter as well as rewriting some of the old chapters in either Simon or Kiera's point of view, so check them out if you want! So far, I've rewritten chapters 1-5. I know I've been so late on publishing a new chapter, and I'm far behind on my New Year's Resolutions, but Montana weather has kicked me in the ass. We're always prepared for winter, especially us who own livestock because we know the conditions as well as anyone, but today, it hit like no other. With it already being cold, the roads were clear and able to get by in 2WD, but while I was at work, wind and snow came down like nobody's business. Literally, Montana said: "Oh, you guys want winter? Hold my beer!" 

As some of you know, the lever of my truck came out of the bracket that shifts into 4WD. I haven't had to really worry about it considering the roads around me have been clear even though snow is on the ground. It took me THREE HOURS to get home was how bad it was, and my commute is less than 40 minutes each way. I almost wrecked a few times because I couldn't find anywhere safe and flat to try to fix my truck. 

I drove (and slid) for a few miles before finding a gas station, parking somewhere that I could look underneath and see what I could do. Although I had a few blankets to lay down on the snow/ice covered concrete, I still was soaking wet and freezing. It was -16 degrees today and is only going to get colder throughout the night. I ended up using zip ties and the string from my hoodie to band-aid it back together just so I could have 4WD and get home, pulling a poor car out of the ditch along my way. It's likely that I won't be going into work tomorrow because NO JOB is worth risking your life, the life of others, and your vehicle just to get to. I'll gladly take a day without pay if that means I'm home and SAFE. 

So please, wherever you are, if it's snowing and sticking to the road, do not go anywhere. I know it'll be hard to go a day without pay, but it'll be even harder if you wreck your only vehicle or get yourself hurt or killed. No job is worth it. YOU are worth it. 

Please, everyone stay safe! If I end up staying home tomorrow (I'm judging it by how they plow the roads tonight. Like I said, Montana is very prepared for winter, however we were not prepared for the sudden snow/ice storm on top of our cold temperatures.) I'll try and update this book with a new chapter as well as keep working on rewriting the older ones. 

Much love, Anna. <3

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